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Lisa Casey accepts clerk of the legislature position; Pamela LaGrou moves into compliance officer post

By Mike Pettinella

Lisa Casey, confidential secretary for the City of Batavia since January 2015, has been hired as clerk of the legislature for Genesee County.

The announcement was made this afternoon at a meeting of the Genesee County Legislature at the Old County Courthouse.

"I consider it to be an advancement in my career," Casey said. "A great group of people that I'm leaving behind, but coming to. I'm just thrilled and excited to have this opportunity."

Casey will be replacing Pamela LaGrou, who has accepted the position as compliance officer for the county.

A Batavia resident, Casey was an executive administrator for Conifer Realty in Rochester for seven years and prior to that served as office manager for Vertice in Spencerport. She also has been an administrative, human resources and recruiting assistant.

"I was in government for the city and before that, I was in development and in banking," she said. "I've had quite a bit of experience in different areas."

When it was mentioned that the legislature held several committee meetings each month (in comparison to one or two City Council meetings), Casey said she was up to the challenge.

"I'm looking forward to it. I don't have any problems working hard and taking on what ever they have to give me," she said.

Her first day with the county is Sept. 7.

County Manager Matt Landers said he and the legislature "are thrilled to have both Lisa and Pam working for the county now."

He said that Assistant County Manager Tammi Ferringer was the compliance officer on a half-year basis, but the county's financial picture has brightened to the extent that it is able to employ a full-time compliance officer.

"So, we advertised for it and we're lucky that Pam interviewed for it, and we're glad to have her on board," he said. "She has a great knowledge of county government, so she should hit the ground running."

LaGrou, who has been the legislative clerk for almost six years, said she was ready for a different type of work. Her new role will focus on policy and procedures, compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act, corporate and privacy regulations.

Previously, she served as compliance officer at Genesee/Orleans Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse, where she was communications and development director. She also is a Town of Alabama council member.

Photo: Lisa Casey, left, speaking with County Legislature Chair Rochelle Stein following today's meeting. Photo by Mike Pettinella.


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