We are experimenting with an online survey for the County's 2009 Election. The survey will be up until Friday evening. We will publish the results over the weekend. Please read the instructions carefully.
NOTE: Please follow the instructions. Do not vote in multiple jurisdictions. I just deleted half of the first 12 survey responses because people voted in every race, or, more common, both contested Legislature races. You can't vote in both District 7 and District 8.
var PDF_surveyID = '290AD911A70E920F'; var PDF_openText = 'View Survey';
Take Survey
Howard, since I just was
Howard, since I just was reading about Jennifer Keys on here, I need to point out her name is not listed as a candidate for Leroy town council, as well as Kelly Lathan's name was missing.
Lorie just explained to me
Lorie just explained to me that she's going head-to-head with another candidate for a unexpired board seat. The county site wasn't clear. I'm going to update the survey accordingly.
Bud, only one person had
Bud, only one person had voted in the Le Roy elections so far, so I guess that was you. I deleted your response so you can revote with the the additional seat added in.
Thank you sir.
Thank you sir.
Howard, I'm not a statistical
Howard, I'm not a statistical wiz but, why would you delete a random 5% of the proper votes? Or did I just read that wrong?
There's probably no way to
There's probably no way to make it scientific, but just trying to find some way to ad greater randomness to what is a self-selected survey. It might not make much difference, anyway.