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Corfu PD sponsors toy drive

By Howard B. Owens

The Corfu Police Department sponsored a toy drive Sunday, with dozens of donations pouring in. The toys will be presented to local boys and girls Dec. 19.

Photo submitted by Corfu PD Officer Mike Petritz. 

david spaulding

the Corfu "revenue raisers" don the sheep's clothing. the advice of many is to avoid Corfu at all costs for the "revenue raisers" will pick the pockets of non-residents and it will cost you.

Dec 15, 2015, 9:25am Permalink
david spaulding

good for you ladies, however if I lived in a town where the board who oversees that town boasts on the record about their law enforcement as "revenue raisers". I would be ashamed.

Dec 15, 2015, 4:04pm Permalink
Kyle Couchman

Every police force in every jurisdiction raises revenues David. So whats the big deal other than your problem with authorities of any kind? Must be you live in continual shame then....

Good thing that shame doesnt break glass shelters huh David?

Dec 15, 2015, 4:13pm Permalink
Jenny McMartin

David ...your comment is not true at all. I'd love to sit down and chat with you sometime about your ideas about the Corfu Police Dept. FYI ...I sit on the board of trustees for the VIllage of Corfu

Dec 15, 2015, 5:28pm Permalink
Al Graham

I don't know who David is not do I care! What I will say is he never seems to know what he's talking about as in this case. It's been said before and I'll say it again, drive thru any village at the speed limit and there is no issue! If you intend to break the law then by all means go around!! One more point. Shame on you David for opening up your negative mouth when the community came together for a good cause!

Dec 15, 2015, 5:47pm Permalink
david spaulding

the town board, in an open meeting, called the police force "revenue raisers" I call them the " fleece police ". when the facts get you riled up, maybe you should do something about it. remember I am an observer and a messenger, take your anger and do something positive with it. Meanwhile I will avoid Corfu's fleece police by going around your little community. while some are fine with that, don't think I'm the only one.
kyle how nice to hear from you. let me think about your intelligent response.

Dec 15, 2015, 7:30pm Permalink
david spaulding

kyle, again it is so nice to hear from you. I have read and re-read your comments directed at me. Kyle what's wrong ? seems your fingers are not typing what your brain is telling them to.
I can not make sense of what you are trying to say. " Must be you live in continual shame then....".. "Good thing that shame doesnt break glass shelters huh David? "
Really kyle ? what does that mean? seriously what does that mean?. I don't get it.
you did get 5 thumbs up, maybe one of them could explain it for you. oh kyle, mix up in meds again? i hope not as you are my favorite critic.

Dec 15, 2015, 8:33pm Permalink
Kyle Couchman

LOL David.....Nope ponder it a little it longer, you'll get it eventually. But as usual avoid the more on point critique... What police force ISN"T a revenue raiser for it's community.

Dec 16, 2015, 12:42am Permalink

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