Genesee County is set to make new vehicle purchases for the Highway Department and Sheriff's Office after the Public Service Committee recommended approval Tuesday of the proposals.
At its next full meeting, the County Legislature is expected to approve purchase of:
- An asphalt paver from Ilton CAT, 4610 E. Saile Drive, Batavia, for a total amount not to exceed $169,900;
- A 2017 Model GU713 Mack cab and chassis, in conformance to Onondaga County bid specifications, from Beam Mack Sales, Rochester, in a amount not to exceed $156,743.37;
- Five 2016 SUV law enforcement vehicles from Van Bortel Ford, for a total purchase price of $113,955, including trade-in on four 2013 Ford sedan interceptors and a 2009 Chevy Impala.
The committee also recommend approval of five vehicles being declared surplus and sold at auction. The vehicles are a 2009 Ford Focus, a 2008 Jeep and three 2009 Chevy Impalas.