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Hawley to host local government conference in Albany

By Billie Owens

Continuing the tradition started by his father (former Assemblyman R. Stephen Hawley), Assemblyman Steve Hawley will again be hosting a Local Government Conference in Albany on Sunday, May 16 through Tuesday, May 18.

The purpose of the three-day conference is to help local government officials and representatives from the 139th Assembly District become more familiar with state government and the state agencies in the Capital.

“It is my pleasure to host the Local Government Conference again this year,” said Hawley in a news release.  “During these difficult fiscal times for our state, it’s never been more important that a stronger relationship is built between local officials and the state Capital. If we can improve communication, and establish better relationships between the two, then
we can streamline the needs of our community in a more efficient and less costly manner.”

Boarding trains from Rochester and arriving in Albany, officials and representatives will be attending three days of seminars, meetings, and lectures presented by a number of state agencies.

For more information regarding Assemblyman Hawley’s Local Government Conference, please contact his district office at (585) 589-5780.

Authentically Local