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Today's Local Deals: O'Lacy's, Fortune's, Oliver's and more!

By Howard B. Owens

UPDATE: We've made a couple of upgrades to the Deal of the Day program.

  • If registered and logged in below, you will see a line for Member Services followed by a link for "My Account."
  • Click on the "My Account" link and you will see how you're registered with your name and address. You can now edit your contact information as well as change your password. Click the "make changes" button to make changes.
  • On this page, you can also see a list of all the available Deal of the Day offers with the date of your last purchase, if any, and the date you are eligible to purchase the same item again (see if you can "catch 'em all").

NOTE: Today is the last day to register, if you haven't already, using the link below, for a chance to win a pair of tickets to the Wine Walk.

Reminders of how the new Deal of the Day program works:

  • To make purchases, you must be registered. This is its own registration system, separate from the main registration for The Batavian.
  • Once registered you must be logged in.
  • You click on the orange button, if the item is not sold out, and it takes you to a PayPal button. This allows you to pay either with your PayPal account or with a credit card/debit card. The login for PayPal is completely separate from our accounts.
  • The first person to successfully complete the PayPal transaction wins the gift certificate.
  • You are eligible to buy the same item only once in a four-month period. We use the registration system to track this for you so you don't have to.

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