While at Genesee Community College today, I was watching the lacrosse team practice for a little bit.
There are a bunch of good athletes - especially local athletes - playing sports at GCC right now. Here at The Batavian, we would like to give these squads some coverage.
I am working on getting high school coaches involved with posting information on their teams and I would like to do the same for GCC.
I've left a few messages with different people at the college and have not gotten a response yet, so hopefully the new SID will get back to me soon.
In the meantime, any coaches or athletes that are interested in getting coverage on The Batavian are encouraged to contact myself of Philip so that we can give the college and the local athletes the coverage they deserve.
For years the GCC athletic
For years the GCC athletic dept has been complaining about the coverage of thier teams, mainly by me. But I would not spend anymore time asking for the SID at the school to come to you. It is thier resposibility to get the coverage. You have made a good faith try and now it is up to them. Keep up the great work. HILLY rules