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VA honors volunteers who log many hours to assist veterans

By Howard B. Owens

The VA Hospital honored its volunteers today with a luncheon at the Quality Inn & Suites in Batavia.

The volunteers with the most hours, more than 1,750 were Phyllis Scharader, Robert J. Shepard, Douglas Titus and James Yoder. Pictured with three of the top volunteers above is Danielle Bergman, assistant medical director, on the right.

The volunteers with at least 20 years of service were also honored, though not all could make it to the luncheon. The volunteers with at least 20 years are Helen Batchelor, center of the photo, with 31 years, Emerson Campbell, Joshua T. Dickens, Joseph Flynn, Joseph Guppenberger, 31 years, Robert Jurewicz, Lee Kauffman, Robert Mellody, Anthony Palmer, 32 years, Robert Radley, and John Scott, with 31 years.

The Elks from Brockport made a $1,500 donation to the VA Center.

Daniel Palmer

Congratulations to all the VA volunteers, but especially my father. It didn't matter the weather, time of year, whether he had something else to do that day...My father would make his way to the VA Hospital and escort those Vets to mass. My family often attended this mass, and I know I speak for all of us when I say, we were always so proud to watch him wheel those chairs to the chapel so those heroes could take holy communion. Seeing my Dad's name just made my day.

Apr 25, 2017, 2:34pm Permalink

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