Hundreds of volunteers spread out throughout the area today to perform a variety of tasks for charities and other civic groups as part of United Way's Day of Caring.
Among the projects, members of the Rotary Club built a new tool shed for the community garden behind the Youth Center off State Street. The garden's organizers had applied for a grant to buy the building materials and the club went a step further, sending over a volunteer construction crew as well.
Other volunteers at the garden helped replace about a third of the raised beds with new, deeper beds, which will make it easier for gardeners to grow carrots and other root vegetables.
There were dozens of projects countywide.
Along with the efforts at the community garden are pictures of the annual Lions Club bicycle repair at Adam Miller Toy and Bicycle, with the bikes going to clients of Arc of Genesee Orleans, and a project by the Batavia Improvement Association to chalk the sidewalks of Main Street with positive art and messages.