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Today's Poll: Do you support reducing the corporate tax rate to 28 percent?

By Howard B. Owens
tom hunt

Obama wants to increase the taxes on dividends the corporations pay their stock holders to 39.6%. This represents double taxation as the dividends are paid from the net profit of operations after the corporate taxes are paid. The will hurt the retirees as alot of their investments are in equities. The total taxes would raise to 64.1% on those profits passing thru the corporate dividend system.

Feb 22, 2012, 10:12am Permalink
Chris Charvella

If every corporate tax loophole/shelter etc... were eliminated, I'd be fine with 20%. It doesn't currently matter how high or low the corporate tax rate is when companies that make $11 Billion in profits pay less in taxes than I do.

Feb 22, 2012, 10:11am Permalink
Bob Harker

I see this as a very small step in the right direction. Lower taxes and increased fairness are never bad things.

I wonder why obama waited for an election year to broach the subject. Just coincidence, I'm sure.

Feb 22, 2012, 10:19am Permalink
Jeff Allen

I agree Chris, eliminating loopholes is the only way to level the playing field, cut into corporate influence on government and vice versa and return to a true free market. Lowering the tax rate will also give the economy a much needed long term boost in confidence. It is encouraging to see Geitner and Obama realizing this(?), but the question lingers...why now? Oh yeah, it's an election year. As Obama plays both sides until November, the overarching question behind all these moves will be "If it is a good idea now, why wasn't it a good idea 3 years ago?"

Feb 22, 2012, 10:29am Permalink

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