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Today's Poll: How concerned should the U.S. be about North Korea developing nuclear missiles?

By Howard B. Owens
Dave Olsen

I suppose we should be concerned that they will blow themselves up and the fallout could spread; but other than that..................

Apr 13, 2012, 11:21am Permalink
Kyle Couchman

Culture shock is impressive enough when you go to a country which is similar to ours. My few weeks in Taipei really proved that to me. However this is so extreme, and shows what can happen if our country ever took an Orwellian turn. Its really sad but as the end of the broadcast shows it can only happen if the people allow it. It appears that the asian culture's (and I speak of all asians from chinese to japanese, vietnamese,thai and so on) nature of go along to get along has been taken to it's extreme in North Korea. It's very sad.

Very eye opening CM.... and think this is just a tiny peek into whats going on, the reality is probably so much more extreme than what was allowed to be captured in this documentary.

Apr 13, 2012, 2:17pm Permalink
John Stone

North Korea is really the least of our problems, no matter how successful their nuclear program is...
Kyle Couchman... I'm kind of amazed that your comment says "...shows what can happen if our country ever took an Orwellian turn."
America is significantly more like "1984" than we are unlike it: The Supreme Court has ruled that the police may enter your home or automobile "because they want to". They no longer need probable cause. (So far, this is in Indiana, but precedence has been set, so it can (and will) be allowed everywhere else soon.)
- You can be arrested and held without any charges for as long as they want.
- You can actually be executed by your own government without ANY due process. -We no longer have the right to peaceably protest (free speech) anywhere near the people that supposedly represent us.
- The traitors in Washington D.C. are getting prepared to sign on to the "U.N. Small Arms Treaty" whenever it comes up. This will make it illegal to own any kind of firearms, and an international treaty is irrevocable once signed.
The pilot "Obedience Training" program (T.S.A.) has been, so far, a rousing success for those who are leading us into full-blown tyranny.
No... North Korea, even a North Korea with nuclear capability, is really one of the last things we need to be worried about.

Apr 14, 2012, 5:42pm Permalink

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