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Officials hoping to establish consistent, known pick-up, drop-off area at Darien Lake

By Howard B. Owens

On behalf of a local taxi cab owner, we asked Sheriff's Deputy Chief Gordon Dibble how changes in the parking and pedestrian rules at Darien Lake would effect taxi drivers.

Dibble's response seemed worth sharing with our entire audience:

Taxi cabs have the same "pick-up and drop-off" option that everyone else has. Reading the editorial in the Daily News this morning, left me with the feeling that there is still the impression that the "pick-up/drop-off" area will be outside the main gate. This will cause problems.

A taxi can pull though the main gate like everyone else, enter the pick-up/drop-off area then leave via the front gate. If this area gets established as planned and known, it has the potential of fixing the old problem of parents/friends trying to locate their kids/friends after a concert.

As it is now, we come upon many disconnected people and their rides after the concert is over; some looking on Sumner Road, some at the front entrance, some at the corner to Sumner and Route 77, some at the grass lot exit.

A well-advertised, consistant area just within the front gate would be a significant improvement and a safer situation. I expect a period of confusion and refinement during the first of these concerts but, in time, we hope the end result is a safer, more organized concert experience for all.

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