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Today's Poll: Should small fireworks be legal to purchase around July 4?

By Howard B. Owens
Tim Miller

As long as there's no drought that would grossly increase the risk of fire, why not?

OK - outside of a few people only being able to count to 9 on July 5th, why not?


Jun 28, 2013, 2:53pm Permalink
Doug Yeomans

My Libertarian mind says that people should be able to have all the fireworks they want. What they DO with them is where the responsibilities are. I can own all the gun powder I want, reload all the shotgun shells and bullets I want, but I can't manufacture an explosive device or have fireworks. My barn has propane tanks, gasoline and diesel fuel stored inside it. I might even have nitrogen base fertilizer around for the garden and farmers have it in mass quantities. Heaven forbid if I want to make something that goes BOOM!

How about we expect people to be responsible, to be held accountable for their actions, and allowed to have some fun on July 4th? The military has lots of fireworks and they use them to kill people...nobody seems to have much of a problem with that!

Jun 28, 2013, 7:56pm Permalink

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