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I made a huge mistake

By Brian Hillabush

 I wanted to be the one to post this because I made a mistake, feel terrible and want to make sure people knew what is going on.

After attending a New Years Eve party at an old college friend's house and celebrating the New Year like many adults choose to, I woke up the next morning and headed back to Batavia.

I was involved in a pretty serious car wreck, and I still had alcohol in my system from the night before. I have been charged in the Town of Bergen and will be dealing with this issue in the near future.

I do not condone drinking and driving and I sincerely apologize for my mistake in judgement. I love this community and I want what is best, so I hope people learn from my mistake. 

I cannot go into any more detail, but I will after the legal process has been completed. 

Note: My statements are my own and should not be construed as representing any position or policies of my employer.

Ian Cromwell

Eh, seems like now a days everyone is getting charged with dwi. Usually 1 or 2 in every police blotter or "on the beat" as its called here. I wouldnt worry. Lets just hope you can drive and have a license come next HS Football season. Or do you think you would be allowed to use a conditional license cause technically it is work? lol whatever. best of luck in the court room.

Jan 8, 2009, 7:43am Permalink
Laura Scarborough

I am impressed with your attitude. I can't see anyone posting negative about what you have admitted and how you feel. If they do, it will truly show what kind of person they are. Those who throw stones are the worst.

Jan 8, 2009, 9:19am Permalink
JT Hunt

hats off for addressing the issue publicly. best thing to do when you are in the public eye. glad i got a cdl. a dwi for me would be a "career ending injury". fear of losing my career keeps me in line. ps - when in doubt, close your left eye. right eye becomes dominant. better to drift right than left. mailboxes can't sue. they sure do dent dammit. i enact my 5th ammendement rights! out.

Jan 8, 2009, 12:36pm Permalink
Gabor Deutsch

I hope that nobody got seriously injured.
I hope that this accident and mistake never happens again.
I hope that Mr. Hillabush learns from his mistake, like all of us "human beings" do in many other ways.
I cannot cast the first stone myself....
It was important to me that I hear Mr. Hillabush and what he had to say. I didnt ask.
If there is a blotter then so be it.
I hope to continue to enjoy his great sports coverage.
"This is all I have to say about that", forrest gump.

Jan 8, 2009, 3:05pm Permalink
neil young

This story first came to light on wed. in The Daily News so i guess it comes down to which came first the chicken or the egg as far as anyone knowing about it, and making a statement. let it hit the fan and see how much sticks i guess!!

Jan 9, 2009, 10:56pm Permalink

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