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Administrative interns explain Common Core Standards

By Kathie Scott
Falleti presented information on the new State standards

On Monday, July 29, two administrative interns for the Batavia City School District -- Michelle A. Falleti (who is also a fourth-grade teacher at John Kennedy Intermediate School) and Lauren Combo (a kindergarten teacher at Le Roy Elementary) gave a presentation, "Getting to Know the Common Core State Standards, for Extended Year and TEAM Literacy."

The new set of state standards in English-language arts and mathematics for grades K-12 were developed in collaboration with a variety of stakeholders including content experts, teachers, school administrators and parents in order to prepare America’s children for success in college and career.

The main goal of the presentation by Combo and Falletti was to guide parents through the new Common Core State Standards in a clear and cohesive manner and to also provide resources and tips on how parents can help their children at home.

Following the presentation, families were invited to visit stations according to their child’s grade level. Each station, for grades PreK-8, contained resources, activities, and tips for parents to help guide their child to succeed in school.

More information may be found by viewing the PowerPoint presentation on the Batavia City School District Web site ( or by visiting the website

cj sruger

And here is some info on what common core really is
there is a growing effort underway to stop this state wide by teachers and parents and a petition to Gov. Cuomo to ban it in NY, from a Long island Assemblyman. Nobody knows much about it, it was all done in secrecy. it involves a private corporation tracking\data mining every single aspect of your child's life thru school years, including things like your parents religious and political affiliation, disciplinary actions and more

Aug 9, 2013, 4:02pm Permalink
Kyle Slocum


I am shocked that you would accuse Andrew, Prince of NYC, Duke of Westchester, Earl of Putnam, of doing anything in a manner which could be described in any but positive terms.

Prince Andrew is the epitome of transparency and public participation in government decision making. Really. His press office says so.

Who are you going to believe: Prince Andrew or your lying eyes?

Aug 9, 2013, 9:47pm Permalink

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