Press release:
If you’re in Genesee, Orleans or Wyoming counties, and have issues with dealing constructively with your anger, Independent Living of the Genesee Region (ILGR) will soon begin a series of FREE 12-week Anger Management workshops.
The group will be held from 2 to 3:30 p.m. every Tuesday from Sept. 19th to Dec. 5th, at ILGR’s office, 113 Main St. at Center Street, Suite 5, in Batavia.
Facilitated by Independent Living specialist Debra McKnight, the purpose of this group is to help individuals with anger Issues using different Conflict Resolution Strategies to better manage and resolve conflicts in their lives.
It is open to individuals who are mandated by the courts or boards of parole, as well as the general public, and Completion Certificates will be issued to those attending all 12 sessions.
Participants MUST preregister to attend; to RSVP or get more information, please call Debra McKnight at (585) 815-8501, ext. 408, or email her at
ILGR is a member of the Western New York Independent Living Inc. family of agencies that offers an expanding array of services to aid individuals with disabilities to take control of their own lives.