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Bedroom fire reported on Spruce Street in the city

By Billie Owens

A bedroom fire is reported at 20 N. Spruce St. Residents advised to evacuate. It's gone to a second alarm. City fire is responding, including all off-duty firefighters, along with mutual aid from Alexander's Fast Team and a tanker from Elba. Town of Batavia is asked to stand by in their quarters. Two Mercy medic units also called to the scene.

UPDATE 8:41 p.m.: All residents accounted for. A firefighter may have been injured. He may have suffered heat exhaustion or dehydration.  

UPDATE 8:50 p.m.: A cat is missing.

UPDATE: Added the last four photos, taken by Frank Capuano.

Photos: Alecia Kaus/Video News Service

Robert Radley

^ A fire like this can spread rapidly. It's a better safe than sorry call and to evacuate the numbers of people in these apartments, manpower is increased.

Oct 2, 2017, 11:17pm Permalink
Lisa Woltz

A very true statement, Robert. It could have gone south really quick.
I wasn't able to see around the corner and down the road. When I did see the pictures, it made a much clearer picture. I do hope the firefighter is okay and the cat is found. The fire dept's and ambulance were rapid in getting on the scene. Excellent job!

Oct 3, 2017, 5:02pm Permalink

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