For the second year in a row, students at Batavia High School are putting on a Mr. Batavia contest aimed at building relationships between the high school and the community, particularly local nonprofits.
There are 10 contestants this year representing 10 different charities. Money raised will go to the winner's charity.
"We weren't sure how it was going to go last year and we raised $1,700, so we're hoping to exceed that this year," said Lisa Robinson, one of the faculty advisers for student government.
Along with the 10 boys competing, 15 girls are putting together the show (not everybody participating was available for a picture late this afternoon).
The contestants begin the show with a group dance, followed by a lip-sync contest, a talent contest, a swimsuit portion and then the boys come out in tuxedos donated by Charle's Mens Shop for a question-and-answer period.
Nine of the 10 charities have committed to having displays set up in the cafeteria for the evening.
The show starts at 7 p.m., Friday, March 21. Tickets are $7, $5 for students.