(Photo courtesy of Tom Rivers, Orleans Hub. Location is Route 98 and Lime Kiln Road.)
A high-speed pursuit is underway between law enforcement and a tan Ford van occupied by three suspected shoplifters from Kohl's department store.
They are northbound on Route 98, at the Orleans County line and heading into Barre. Speeds exceeding 120 mph. The suspects are throwing merchandise outside the van along the way.
Orleans County officers have been notified.
UPDATE 1:43 p.m.: The vehicle has crashed; it struck a tree or a pole and rolled over and is smoking. The roadway at the county line and Route 98 is going to be shut down. Wires are across the road. Fire police from Albion are called to handle traffic. Deputies are collecting the items discarded from the van.
UPDATE 1:48 p.m.: Mercy medics and Barre Fire Department are responding. Route 98 in Orleans County will be closed between Maple Street and Lime Kiln Road, north of Barre Center.
UPDATE 1:51 p.m.: A pole was struck in the accident; although no power lines are involved, several phone and cable lines are down. Two people will need evaluation by medics, who are told to proceed in non-emergency mode.
UPDATE 1:54 p.m.: The incident began around 1:30 p.m. when law enforcement was alerted to a shoplifting incident at Kohl's and three suspects were said to have left in a tan Ford van. A couple of officers responded, including one who was on Park Road. Almost immediately, an officer was following a tan van on Lewiston Road matching the license plates provided to dispatchers by Kohl's security. When the officer attempted to pull the vehicle over, the chase was on. At one point, the driver attempted to make a left turn onto westbound Route 262 and nearly lost control of the van. The chase continued and soon thereafter, the accident occurred.
Tis the season
Tis the season
thank you to the Genesee
thank you to the Genesee County and Orleans County Sheriffs.