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Batavia Middle School students complete course on human rights leaders

By Howard B. Owens

Fifth-grade students at Batavia Middle School completed a 10-week course of study today into various worldwide leaders in human rights. The course culminated with each student dressing as their chosen leader and making a presentation for parents who attended the event in the school's library. The students were required to read a book, research a Web site and a database on their chosen leader. They also drew posters of the leaders.

Above, Betty Cherry as Maya Angelou.

Allyson Clemm as Julia Ward Howe.

Roger Jones as Booker T. Washington.

Tim Miller

Yeah, cj.... How DARE 5th graders learn of different countries than our own! And as great of a country this is, how DARE young people learn that 'Murica ain't the only place on earth, and that other countries might actually contribute to humanity!

Why, I'll betcha some of those teachers might have actually had ancestors that came from other places!

Jun 4, 2015, 9:19am Permalink
Raymond Richardson

"Why, I'll betcha some of those teachers might have actually had ancestors that came from other places!"

That would be true of every American citizen, including cj.

Jun 4, 2015, 3:41pm Permalink

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