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House on McKinley now a home for local family, thanks to Habitat for Humanity

By Howard B. Owens

Sunday was a day of sun and smiles for Muriel Austin and her daughters. A Habitat for Humanity home at 2 McKinley Ave., Batavia, is now their home.

"When we actually came and saw the house (when it first became available) and it didn't look anything like this," Austin said. "It looked the way it did before it looked like this and I fell in love with it anyway. 'Oh, my God, I'm going to have a house and it's so big.' I'm not thinking anything beyond that. I just saw that Jessica and other staff members found it in their heart that this would be suitable for you and your girls."

After a brief welcome by Habitat CEO Jessica Maguire-Tomidy, and the gift of a mirror from Lauren Casey, president of the Habitat board, Austin played a recording of a song taken from a verse of the Quran that means "protection."

Austin has five children and four of them live with her (the oldest is an adult). They are LaMonika, Brooklyn, Antoinette and Khadija.

She thanked all the volunteers who helped her with her new home, noting how hard they worked, the expertise and skill many of them brought to the job and the support they offered throughout the process.

"I realized what Habitat is about," Austin said. "It's not about religion. It's not about color. It's not about anything like that. It's about family, community and making a difference, not only making a difference, but also getting people to push in a (better) direction."

Bea McManis

Muriel Austin and her family look so happy. Congratulations on your new home. I hope it brings you days of laughter and smiles. This is wonderful news.

Jun 8, 2015, 10:00pm Permalink
Raymond Richardson

I really don't understand why some people have to take an upbeat, and uplifting story and tear it down with their snotty little brat like attitude.

Really people, get a life. It's not all about you and you trying to feel good about yourself.

Congrats to the Austin family and good luck with your new home.

Jun 8, 2015, 10:55pm Permalink

Habitat serves the community well. There are so many properties in the city that could use their touch. I'm personally exciting with their work going on at 11 South Spruce. I lived in that house from '54 til '58 (6 to10 years of age). I've been by the house many times since they started work, I seem to get more and more excited each time. I hope I have a chance to maybe go through it when it's done. They did the house at 13 South Spruce a few years ago, that also looks great! I support Habitat with a donation from time to time. To me, it's money well spent (invested).

Jun 8, 2015, 11:28pm Permalink
Kyle Couchman

It's selfishness and petty jealousy that makes people tear down stories like this as well as spread falsehoods about social programs like Snap and Tanf and so on these programs don't actually account for much of your tax dollar at all. Look to Corporate welfare and EDC's that waste 10x more of your tax dollar.

Since I moved here a few years ago, I have seen Habitat renovate at least 4 or 5 properties that now have tax paying families thriving in them. In the meantime the volunteers who work at these houses lear valuable trade skills that serve them AND the community very well. I wish the Austin Family well in their new house.

Jun 9, 2015, 11:16am Permalink
Emma Morrill

That's funny, David, because I'm pretty darn happy that YOU don't live on my street. I'm just not a big fan of bigotry and ignorance.

On the other hand, I'd be very pleased to have this gracious and hardworking family in my neighborhood. Congratulations, Austin Family! May you enjoy many years of happiness in your new home.

Another wonderful Habitat for Humanity success story.

Jun 9, 2015, 11:51pm Permalink
Kyle Couchman

Emma, a positive way to look at things is that for the most part, people like david end up pushing good people to take that extra step and go personally welcome families like the Austin's tipping the scales more towards a positive community.

Jun 10, 2015, 7:46am Permalink

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