Similar sentiments echoed from family, friends and the community with respect to Douglas Mess.
“He was an amazing guy.”
“A big teddy bear.”
“He would do anything for anyone.”
“He loved family.”
“He was an excellent mechanic.”
A spaghetti dinner and raffle was held Saturday to help Mess’s four sons, Douglas, Matthew, Michael, and James. The four men lost both their parents in an incident that shook the Attica community.
“It’s nice to see the community coming together for this,” said event organizer Jackie Murphy. “But by the same token, this shouldn’t have had to happen.”
The fundraiser was held at the Alexander Firemen’s Recreation Center, Alexander. All proceeds go to the brothers to help with living expenses. According to Murphy, the support from the community has been overwhelming.
“Everything has been donated by community members and local businesses,” Murphy said. “The response has been wonderful, from setting up this event to just asking ‘how ya doing?’ It’s just been amazing.”
“I wasn’t expecting the response we got,” said Gina Olszewski, Matthew’s girlfriend. “The support from the community is awesome. It’s such a horrible situation and it’s nice to have the support we’ve received.”
Tom Gadd worked with Doug for 14 years at Alexander Equipment and viewed the man like a brother.
“He was just an amazing guy; a great guy. That sums it up right there,” Gadd said.
“He’s been proud to see the support,” Olszewski said.
According to the elder Mess’s son Doug, he was a “shop man dictionary.”
Michael and James describe their father as happy and caring.
Douglas Mess was found murdered April 20 on the farm he and his wife of 30 years owned in Attica. Charlene Mess is charged with his murder and is currently being held in the Wyoming County Jail in lieu of $1 million cash bail or $2 million bond. She is due in court Aug. 6.
“We are extremely grateful,” James said. “There has been lots of support from an extremely caring community.”
See related: Murder of Douglas Mess a big loss for Baskin Livestock; Charlene Mess pled not guilty in the murder of Douglas Mess