The Viceroy, pictured above, is nearly identical to the Monarch butterfly. Because the Viceroy so closely resembles the Monarch, which contain a toxin that is poisonous to birds and certain other predators, birds will thus avoid Viceroys...but only if it has previously sampled a Monarch -- otherwise it will readily make a meal of the Viceroy.

Donning her "summer reds," a doe casts a wary eye in my direction.

Early season larch cones.

This butterfly is called a Question Mark -- honest! Taking nature photos is something Claudia and I enjoy. Identifying a species is satisfying in itself even if it leaves you wondering. I have no idea how the Question Mark got its name.

An Indigo bunting perched in the pines.

The remains of last year's teasel.
Hi Jim, Hi Claudia!
Hi Jim, Hi Claudia!
So you were down in my neck of the woods at the Gen. Co. Park. What a wonderful place for all to enjoy. Great pictures and interesting tid bits. The "Question Mark" butterfly is quite interesting. What a name. Ha.
Always look forward to your contributions to The Batavian, Jim. Thanks so much!!!
Good morning, Mardell - thank
Good morning, Mardell - thank you and hope you enjoy the Fourth!!
Jim & Claudia