A former high school basketball star who got caught with a gun outside the county manager's home on Washington Avenue in November is being released from jail before being sent to prison so he can be at the hospital later this month for the birth of his child.
Judge Charles Zambito granted the unusual request because he promised TeeSean Ayala, 19, the opportunity to be around for the birth of his baby if he cooperated with prosecutors. Today Zambito acknowledge that Ayala kept his promise.
"I'm doing all of this because you did cooperate," Zambito said. "That's part of the bargain."
In May, Ayala entered a guilty plea to a charge of criminal possession 2nd, which carries a mandatory prison sentence with a maximum possible term of 15 years.
The plea also satisfied several charges related to local burglaries.
"If you flee, you will eventually be caught and then you're going to be sentenced to the 15 years," Zambito told Ayala. "If you commit any crimes while you're out, you will be sentenced to 15 years and face enhanced sentencing on those charges."
Ayala said he understood.
When the case was first called a little after 1:30 p.m., there was some discussion between Zambito and the attorneys about whether to adjourn the sentencing of Ayala. Ayala's attorney Richard Shaw started whispering to Ayala and at one point, Ayala became visibly emotional and said loudly, "but it's my first one."
Shaw continued whispering to Ayala and Zambito asked if he and his client needed to discuss the matter privately. They did so Zambito ordered the case recalled later in the afternoon.
When Ayala came back into court, Zambito said he had been reminded of the promise to allow Ayala to be present for the birth of his child if he kept up his end of the bargain.
Zambito said Ayala isn't to leave his residence for any reason other than going to court or to go to the hospital for the delivery of his child when his fiancée goes into labor.
Ayala is allowed to have visitors but cannot be in contact with Malik Ayala, his brother who is a co-defendant.
Sentencing on the weapon charge is scheduled for 9:30 a.m., Aug. 21.