Botts-Fiorito Post #576, American Legion in LeRoy hosted the 7th and 8th District “Membership Workshop” on Saturday, Aug. 17.
More than 40 representatives from 11 counties attended this event.
In observance of the 100th year Anniversary, the American Legion is aggressively seeking new members as a result of the “LEGION Act” -- Let Everyone Get Involved In Opportunities for National Service Act.
In a significant legislative victory for The American Legion, President Trump signed a bill July 30 that declares the United States has been in a state of war since Dec. 7, 1941.
The American Legion sought the declaration as a way to honor approximately 1,600 U.S. servicemembers who were killed or wounded during previously undeclared periods of war.
The LEGION Act also opens the door for approximately 6 million veterans to access American Legion programs and benefits for which they previously had not been eligible.