Press release:
Data Update:
- Genesee County received 50 new positive cases of COVID-19.
- The new positive cases reside in Alexander, Batavia, Bergen, Byron, Elba, Le Roy, Oakfield and Pembroke.
- The individuals are in their 0-19s, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s.
- Twenty-nine of the previous positive individuals have recovered and have been removed from the isolation list.
- Fifteen of the positive individuals are hospitalized.
- Fifteen of the new positive individuals are residents at The Grand Rehabilitation and Nursing at Batavia.
- We received notification of three deaths of residents at The Grand Rehabilitation and Nursing at Batavia. Two of the residents were over the age of 65 and one of the residents was under the age of 65. To protect the individual and their family we will not be releasing any further information. We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of this community member during this very difficult time.
- Orleans County received 24 new positive cases of COVID-19.
- The new positive cases reside in Albion, Barre, Clarendon, Gaines, Kendall, Murray, Yates, Ridgeway and Shelby.
- The individuals are in their 0-19s, 20s, 30s, 40s and 60s.
- Three of the individuals were on mandatory quarantine prior to testing positive.
- Six of the previous positive individuals have recovered and have been removed from the isolation list.
- Eight of the current positive individuals are hospitalized.

To review the raw positive data for each of the counties click this following link.
Click here to view the Genesee and Orleans County online map of confirmed cases.
A reminder the numbers listed as positive/active are current community cases. The recovered numbers are only for community cases and do not include non-county regulated facilities. The total positive cases include community active/positive, community recovered and all those from non-county regulated facilities.
Rapid Testing: Genesee County will be hosting two rapid testing clinics on Dec. 8th and 10th from 1 – 4 p.m. The focus is for asymptomatic individuals and is free. This is a self-administered rapid test at the Genesee County Emergency Management Office & Fire Training Facility, at 7690 State Street Road in the Town of Batavia.
To schedule a test, please register online here. Anyone needing additional help for online registration may contact the Genesee County Health Department at (585) 344-2580, ext. 5555.
To help the process please not the following guidelines:
- If you completed the form online, please print it out and bring it with you;
- Make sure you have a pen in your vehicle;
- Everyone in the vehicle is to have their mask on when they pull up at the testing site;
- For those who are getting tested, they may get a call fairly quickly from an unknown number…answer the phone. Staff cannot leave messages and can only give results to the individual tested or the guardian of minor children. Hard copy results will be emailed within 48 hours if we have a valid email address.
Orleans County will be holding a rapid testing clinic on Dec. 16th. More details to come.
Business Reminder: It is important to periodically review your Business Safety Plan that was developed earlier on in the pandemic. As part of the plan businesses were encouraged to develop contact sheets for all patrons to assist with contact tracing in the event of a potential COVID-19 exposure. This will help in investigations and will limit the necessity of press releases which will help limit potential spread.
COVID-19 101 Reminders: If a person is identified as a contact, they will be notified by the County Health Department, quarantined and if warranted, swabbed if indicated. Limited information is provided to the public in compliance with HIPAA regulations and out of the respect of those impacted by this virus.
- When, and if, there is a situation where potential contact is made in a public location where contact tracing doesn’t have actual names of close contacts, we will send out a media announcement to help seek contacts.
- If you are experiencing ANY COVID-19 related symptoms STAY HOME! Do not go to work, do not go to the store, do not go anywhere, YOU are spreading the virus. STAY HOME!
- We encourage everyone to remember to be polite and respect individual privacy. If you have a complaint about someone or a business use the appropriate channels provided by the state. Using social media to air your complaints and accusing individuals / businesses of wrong doing generally does nothing to fix the problem. Be compassionate of other people and spread kindness.
Testing: FYI: Due to increased COVID-19 cases and testing demand in the region, the MCC drive-in testing site will be expanding to seven days and expanding Saturday and Sunday hours to 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. (starting this weekend). Appointments are required; click here.
- Effective Nov. 13 at 10 p.m., bars, restaurants and gyms, as well as any State Liquor Authority-licensed establishment, must close in-person service from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. daily.
- Effective Nov. 13 at 10 p.m., indoor and outdoor gatherings at private residences will be limited to no more than 10 people.
Faith-based Organizations:
- Consider continuing or reinstating remote worship due to increased numbers of positive COVID-19 cases to protect your more vulnerable population.
- For those who are at risk of complications for COVID-19 or the flu, consider to connect with your house of worship remotely to lessen the risk of contracting COVID-19 or the flu.
- If you are sick or experiencing new symptoms, STAY HOME and worship remotely. Don’t share your germs with others.
Gathering Size: According to Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order 202.45, all nonessential gatherings of up to 50 individuals of any size for any reason at venues (celebrations, weddings, or other social events at public facilities or private venues) unless otherwise designated (ex. Religious gatherings), are now allowed for those regions in Phase 4.
So long as appropriate social distancing, wearing cloth masks/face coverings over their mouth and nose, and cleaning and disinfection protocol requirements are followed. With the recent uptick of individuals testing positive and the stricter guidance placed by the Governor, it is important to remember that those who plan and host nonessential gatherings (whether at a venue or a private residence) as noted above, can be fined up to $15,000, and/or cause our counties to be considered a micro-cluster which will place the area under stricter restrictions.
Micro-clusters: The initiative will take the most significant action within the cluster (Red Zone), moderate action in the area surrounding the cluster to stop the spread (Orange Zone), and precautionary action in the outlying communities (Yellow Zone). To learn more about the Cluster Action Initiative, click here.