GOART!!! Is hosting a coloring contest to help celebrate the Buffalo Bills Championship run. Children from Pre-K to 8thgrade in Genesee and Orleans counties are free to enter. (Out of area children are eligible with a GOART! Membership) The categories are PreK to 1st Grade, 2nd to 4th Grade and 5th to 8th Grade.
Download and print the picture from the GOART! Facebook page to color or decorate it anyway you would like. Take a picture with a cell phone and send it back to GOART! On Facebook messenger by Noon January 24th. We will announce the winners and post the wonderful artwork of our comminutes children at 2pm on January 24th. The categories winners will receive a One Year Family Membership to GOART!
The Genesee-Orleans Regional Arts Council, also known as GO ART!, is vital community resource for promoting the value of art and culture as integral to our daily lives.
The Genesee-Orleans Regional Arts Council is dedicated to developing the cultural life in Genesee & Orleans Counties by facilitating the creation, presentation and experience of the arts, heritage and traditions.