Submitted photos and press release:
The BCSD Foundation lnc.'s Board of Directors is pleased to announce the recent recipients of the BCSD Foundation Apple award. Each building’s Custodial/Maintenance Team was recognized on Thursday, Feb. 25 for their efforts in making each building safe and clean for all members of the school community.
Robert Morris/District Office
We would like to recognize Jason DeGraff and his team and all they have done to coordinate a successful and safe reopening for students and staff. It was an “all hands-on deck” environment at the start of the 2020-21 school year. From helping deliver meals, to cleaning, to maintaining the grounds and so much more, we thank you for all your hard work.
(Below, from left, Foundation Board Member Cheryl Kowalik, District Facilities Director Jason DeGraff, Foundation Member Bobbi Norton, and Superintendent Anibal Soler Jr.)

Batavia High School
We are so appreciative of everything Paul Miller and his team have been able to do to ensure we opened without an issue and have remained open for our BHS Family to come together in our own way. Between measuring for social distancing, moving classroom furniture, helping with procedures and cleaning, making sure everyone is happy and safe, this integral team has been like no other. Because of their processes and determination, we were able to start clubs and activities without an issue. The faculty, staff, students, parents and administration thank you for everything you have done (and continue to do) to make the 2020-2021 school year a success.
(Below, from left, BHS Head Custodian Paul Miller, two of his team members, and Foundation Board Member Dave Chua.)

Batavia Middle School
Prior to his retirement Fran O’Geen, and now Val Zinni and their crew have outdone themselves keeping BMS clean and safe. The custodial staff is very responsive to any emergency cleanups throughout the day and the evening crew prides themselves with sanitizing all the spaces. It is a pleasure working with this group of individuals. Thank you!
(Below, Foundation Board Member Dave Chua and BMS Head Custodian Val Zinni.)

John Kennedy School
There's so much that we are grateful for when it comes to our JK buildings and grounds team. There’s really no job, task, and request that they can’t handle and they always respond with a smile. Louis, Sherry, Mark, Frank, Tim, your energy and enthusiasm adds to our team at JK each and every day. You are each so important to the learning and teaching that we strive for with our students.Thank you for your dedication to our staff, students, and building while keeping us all safe and healthy. You are an integral part of the JK Family and we are lucky to have you! Thank you!
(Below, custodial staff member, Foundation Board Member Dave Chua and JK Head Custodian Louis Smith.)

(Below, JK Head Custodian Louis Smith holds Apple Award, flanked by members of his custodial team.)

Jackson School
Our Jackson custodians are top notch. Working in a primary school there are many “spills." Our custodians get called several times a day to help. During this pandemic, we have had to monitor and adjust. Our custodians have shown understanding when they go to clean a classroom and a teacher is working late. They understand and go back to cleaning that room later. They are always willing to help everyone. They create a climate where teachers feel they can ask for help and receive it. They always have smiles on their faces and are always willing to lend a hand. Our Jackson custodians are responsive to any requests. They make sure the building is kept clean and comfortable and this makes everyone feel welcomed. Thank You to Dave, Patrick, Jim, Dominic and Debbie for all of your hard work. It does not go unnoticed. You are so deserving of this award. Thank you! Congratulations!
(Below, the custodial team at Jackson School, with Foundation Board members Cheryl Kowalik and Bobbi Norton at right in front, respectively.)

The BCSD Foundation Apple award is given by a member of the school and/or local community to a Batavia City School District employee or volunteer. In the opinion of those giving the honor of this distinction, the awardee has gone above and beyond in their role and is being recognized by one or more people for these accomplishments.
Local artist, Mark Jensen, will be making each individual resin apple -- none will be exactly the same. If you are interested in giving a Foundation Apple award, please submit your nomination form and $75 (payable to the BCSD Foundation Inc., 260 State St., Batavia NY 14020 att: Allison Chua). Nomination forms may be found on our webpage.
Community members with questions are asked to email us at: