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STOP-DWI End of Summer campaign begins today

By Press Release

Press release: STOP DWI Impaired Driving Campaign runs Aug. 20-Sept. 6

Genesee County’s STOP-DWI Coordinator announced today that the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office, City of Batavia Police Department and Village of LeRoy Police Department will participate in a special event to bring awareness to the dangers of impaired driving.

Law enforcement officers across New York State will take to the roads in an effort to stop impaired driving, prevent injuries and save lives. The statewide STOP-DWI Campaign will start on August 20th and will end on September 6th.  

This event is one of many statewide enforcement initiatives promoted by the New York State STOP-DWI Association with additional funding from the New York State STOP-DWI Foundation and the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee.

STOP-DWI efforts across New York have led to significant reductions in the numbers of alcohol and drug related fatalities, however, still too many lives are being lost because of crashes caused by drunk or impaired drivers.  Highly visible, highly publicized efforts like the STOP-DWI High Visibility Engagement Campaigns aim to further reduce the incidence of drunk and impaired driving. 

Always remember impaired driving is completely preventable.  All it takes is a little planning.

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