Botts-Fiorito Post #576, American Legion, LeRoy, would like to announce with great pride and pleasure, Ed Henry as its selection for the 2021 “LeRoyan of the Year Award.” The award recognizes people who demonstrate the following qualifications and attributes:
- The man, woman, or child who exemplifies the true spirit of Americanism, its ideals, love of the flag, and country, regardless of race, creed, or color.
- Good citizenship – by carrying out these principles, often beyond that expected of him or her.
- Service to the community – signified by excellence in the life of purpose and accomplishment.
Ed, a longtime resident of LeRoy, currently lives in Williamsville, NY with his wife, Karen. He’s a member of the LeRoy High School Class of 1976 and earned Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Education at nearby SUNY Brockport in 1980 and 1983, respectively. Ed is now retired after 38 years at Eastman Kodak.
Ed started his long list of volunteering for the LeRoy Jr.-Sr. High School by doing Stats for the Varsity Football team, and started the Leroyfootball.com website. Currently you can often see Ed at many sporting events of LeRoy Jr-Sr. High School photographing, from football, basketball, wrestling, softball, baseball, track, and cheerleading. You can then find all those pictures on the “Le Roy Oatkan Knights Football” Facebook page (with some 850 members), the “Le Roy Oatkan Knights Basketball” Facebook page, and the “LeRoy N.Y. Then and Now” Facebook page (with some 6000 members), which he started and maintains. Ed is also active with the LeRoy Sports Hall of Fame where he actively manages it website.
Ed opened his a garage to athletes for off-season weight training, offering supervised lifting sessions 4 days a week. He helped the athletes learn to stay on task, help one another, mature and give back to the LeRoy community. In seeing a need in the new weight room at school donated dumbbells, kettlebells, and standalone and safe modular equipment to the LeRoy Jr. Sr. High School to improve its weight room.
Ed’s digital footprint is seen by thousands every time he posts positive stories, images, and videos of the high school students and community.
If you are wondering what Ed does in his spare time, he is very active working at the Machpelah Cemetery in LeRoy. He can be found March through November, cleaning the 25 acres of the cemetery, this involves leaf blowing, raking, pitchforking, weed-whacking, branch removal, and the subsequent dumping of this tremendous amount of debris. He has utilized family, friends, and high school athletes to help in these cleaning projects, teaching youngsters to show respect for the lost lives and to freely give back to the community.
Ed is also a valued helper and supporter of the LeRoy Historical Society, busily scanning and shooting photos from the Society’s archives (LeRoy Gazette and LeRoy in 1940 collection) to create retro features to share with LeRoyans around the globe.
To honor Ed, the 52nd annual LeRoyan of the Year Award Dinner will be held on Saturday, October 23, 2021. Social hour is at 6:00 PM with dinner served at 6:45 PM, at the American Legion at 53 West Main St, LeRoy.
A limited number of tickets will be available starting on Oct 1, 2021, at the American Legion after 4:00 PM, at Mickel’s Nickels at 80 Lake Street, LeRoy, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Mon - Sat. or by calling Joan 585-721-7801. The cost is $25.00 per ticket (check or cash only).