The board made the appointment last night.
Superintendent Merritt Holly said Patton "has an extensive background, success, and experience as a building-level administrator. She has just completed an interim position at Bloomfield CSD assisting the district in covering for both the middle and high school principal."
In his announcement to district parents, he listed a sampling of her accomplishments:
Rush-Henrietta Senior High School: (April 1998 to June 2019)
- Instructional leader responsible for the academic success of 1250 students in grades 10-12.
- Daily administrator of the building and supervision of 225 staff members.
- Rush-Henrietta Senior High School was recognized by NYS Dept. of Education as a Reward School in 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 for closing significant achievement gaps
- Rush-Henrietta Senior High School earned “Silver” distinction by US News & World Report’s Best High Schools in America in 2017, 2018, and 2019
She will begin her new position on Feb. 7.
Patton will serve while the district goes through the process of hiring a new principal with interviews expected in March and an anticipated start date of April 25. The position opened following Tim McArdle's resignation last week to assume a new job at Caledonia-Mumford Jr./Sr. HS.
Previously: Le Roy's high school principal taking new position at Cal-Mum