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A labor of love to push downtown theater forward

By Joanne Beck

There’s a well-known tenet of business that you have to spend money to make money.

However, when a pandemic hits and stalls theater renovations and the ability to make money with shows, only half that rule is visible, says Pat Burk of Batavia Players.

“We already paid for a number of shows for this year’s season. When you buy the rights and royalties to a show, you’re never going to get that money back,” Burk said during an interview with The Batavian. “COVID slowed down the demolition. We were supposed to be in there; COVID stalled that for 20 months. We had to start spending money and create a season for 2022, without a home to do it in.”

Not to worry, he said. The theater group is gradually getting back on track with its new Main Street 56 Theater space at City Centre. Well-equipped with grants of $400,000 and just shy of $700,000 for construction, Batavia Players encountered that tired old COVID script of encountering supply chain issues — material shortages — coupled with the need to haul out several containers of equipment, medical records, conduit, and electrical supplies from a defunct medical office.

“They just walked out and left it all there,” he said. “We did nothing else but two weeks of electrical demolition.”

Some actors have left during the lull, and new ones have joined the theater, he said. Those purchases of show rights have left a dent in the theater’s piggy bank, and therefore Burk is appealing to the community for help. He sent out an email asking that individuals, groups, and businesses consider buying a program ad.

“Recent events have led us to have to raise $17,000 to $20,000 in order for us to continue our season in 2022, and to make our goals for our construction of the Main St. 56 Theater,” he said. “By placing a sponsorship ad in our program all year, you will be a huge help in making sure that the Batavia Players’ 90th year of performing continues.”

He is happy to announce a seven-show season that kicks off with Love’s Labour’s Lost March 4, 5, and 6 for a perennial Shakespeare in Springtime series. Six new actors have joined the cast, and “our actors, technicians, and Board of Directors are working hard” for a successful year of classics to full stage musicals, he said. 

Other shows from April to December include The Springtime Music Spectacular, Back on the Boards Again: The Best of Broadway, The Importance of Being Earnest, Peter Pan (Summer Youth Theater), Godspell, Uncle Vanya and Miracle on 34th Street, the Musical.

Deadline for program ads is March 1. For more information, go to:

Top photo: Main St. 56 Theater's shop has been ready for patrons with lots of theater trinkets and memorabilia at the new City Centre location. Batavia Players is set to begin its 2022 season with Love's Labour's Lost the first weekend in March. Photo by Howard Owens.

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