For all of the past 50 years, Robert "Buck" Hilchey has done it all for the Oakfield Fire Department, from being on scene for the biggest fires, serving as chief twice, serving as board president twice, to spearheading the drive for softball fields, and maintaining them, as a fundraiser for the department.
For his 50 years of service, Hilchey was given a watch and proclamations and resolutions from the NYS Senate, NYS Assembly, Village of Oakfield, and the Firefighters Association of the State of New York.
"The trustees and the mayor of the Village of Oakfield urge all citizens to join us in congratulating Buck on an outstanding record of service with the Oakfield Fire Department," the village resolution read, "and expressing our sincere appreciation to him for his unwavering dedication and service to the Village of Oakfield."
Hilchey is from a family of firefighters -- father, uncles, sons, and now even a granddaughter. He got a bit emotional during his thank-you speech.
"It's been a pleasure to serve the community. I started off with my father, my uncle's grandfather," Hilchey said. "I just filled what they taught me to do. It was part of our life."
Then, tearing up a bit, "I'm a weak man, Danny knows. My sons know. My sons have followed in my footsteps, Brad is a chief and Chad is an assistant chief. I'm proud of these guys. Thank you."

Chad Hilchey presents a proclamation from FASNY to his father, Buck Hilchey.

Chief Sean Downing, President Joshua Finn, 3rd Assistant Chief Chad Hilchey, Buck Hilchey, Brad Hilchey, 1st Assistant Chief Chad Williams, and 2nd Assistant Chief Pete Scheiber.

Monday was the first time since 2019 that members of the department have been able to come together to hand out service awards. Above, 2nd Assistant Chief Pete Scheiber is recognized for 35 years of service.

Jim Lundmark and Dan Luker were recognized for 35 years of service. Also, Doug Hensel was recognized for 45 years of service (the photographer did not succeed in getting a photo of Hensel).
Congratulations Buck. Well
Congratulations Buck. Well Done!