"Thank you for the opportunity to represent the women in our workforce and in our community, where each are making history."
With that brief but important statement, Genesee County Assistant Manager Tammi Ferringer (middle in photo), along with Vicky Muckle, executive assistant to the county manager, accepted a National Women's History Month proclamation from County Legislature Chair Rochelle Stein at today's legislature meeting at the Old County Courthouse.
The proclamation reads as follows:
WHEREAS, American women of every race, class, and ethnic background have made historic contributions to the growth and strength of our Nation in countless recorded and unrecorded ways, and
WHEREAS, American women have played and continue to play a critical economic, cultural, and social role in every sphere of the life of the Nation by constituting a significant portion of the labor force working inside and outside of the home, and
WHEREAS, American women have played a unique role throughout the history of the Nation by providing the majority of the volunteer labor force of the Nation, and
WHEREAS, American women were particularly important in the establishment of early charitable, philanthropic, and cultural institutions in our Nation, and
WHEREAS, American women of every race, class, and ethnic background served as early leaders in the forefront of every major social change movement, and
WHEREAS, American women have been leaders, not only in securing their own rights of suffrage and equal opportunity, but also in the abolitionist movement, the emancipation movement, the industrial labor movement, the civil rights movement, and especially the peace movement, which creates a fairer and just society for all. Now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Genesee County Legislature fully embraces National Women’s History Month. The Genesee County Legislature recognizes the value women bring to leadership in the community. Evidence of this value shines through the staff, management, administration and local elected leaders. Be it further
RESOLVED, that there are continuous contributions made by the women of Genesee County. They capture the spirit of women’s determination and clear, forward thinking by demonstrating creativity, courage and forging career paths for women of all levels of society. Therefore, be it further
RESOLVED, Genesee County Legislature proclaims that March is designated as “Women’s History Month. A month to take notice and appreciate the hard work women have done, and the continued work ahead for women in all societies.