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Three young women vie for the Elba Onion Queen sash and crown

By Press Release

There are three candidates for the 2022 Elba Onion Queen.  The winner will be announced on Sept. 10 at 1 p.m. in the Elba Village Park.

Press release:

Emily Rowe
My name is Emily Rowe. I am an incoming senior at Elba Central School. I have lived with my mom and dad, Scott and Jennifer Rowe, and my younger brother Jason in Elba for all of my life.

I am involved in Girls Soccer, Basketball Cheerleading, and "Boys" Tennis in the spring season. I have had an active role in Student Council, Yearbook Club, Class of 2023 activities, Future Teachers, Student Athletic Association, Multicultural Club, and National Honor Society. I attended the Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Conference (HOBY) in the New York West chapter in 2021 at a wonderful weekend of virtual seminars in 2021.

I am a high honor student. I have been a dancer at Center Stage Dance Company for 15 years. I plan to attend NTID at RIT in the fall of 2023 for American Sign Language-English Interpretation.

I look forward to working with the children at church, taking tennis lessons, and going for long bike rides with my mom. I love Elba and am so grateful to get to be a role model for the younger students.

I'm proud of the academic and athletic programs that Elba has to offer and all of the support that the community gives to every member of it.

Amelia Brewer:
My name is Amelia Brewer and I am the daughter of Richard and Joy Brewer. I am 17 years old and will be a Senior this year at Elba Central School. My family has been in Elba for many generations. I live on my family's dairy farm Post Dairy Farms, LLC here in Elba.

I participate in many activities in and out of school. Some of them include Student Council, National, Honor Society, Tennis, FFA, Genesee County 4-H, New York Jr. Holstein Association.

Onion Queen is a great tradition that the town of Elba has kept running and it is an important tradition to keep running. There are many reasons why I am choosing to run for Onion Queen. One reason is I am passionate about AG-vocating and being the Onion allows me to talk about the great farmers in our community. It is also the Onions Queens job to tell everyone about our town and how great it is and why it is a place they should visit. Something that I hope to get from this experience is more connections in our town and gain more knowledge and experience from people within our community.

Isabella Mateos
I am Isabella Mateos, although most of my friends and family call me Bella. I am 17 years old and will be a senior at Elba Jr/Sr High school this upcoming fall. I am the daughter of Leandro and Emma Mateos. My father works at Torrey Farms and my mother is a bilingual preschool teacher at Agri-Business Child Development. I have an older brother named Lean, who graduated from Elba Central School and received his bachelor's at the University of Rochester and his master's at SMU Guildhall. He now works at Gearbox Software in Dallas, Texas.

I come from a very supportive family-oriented home where my family encourages me in my dance, bilingualism, and most importantly academics. Both my parents and my brother always encourage me to put my very best effort into everything that I do.

This past school year I was involved in clubs such as Envirothon, Masterminds, Scholastic Bowl, Student Athletic Association, Student Council, Senior National Honor Society, and was also President of the Multicultural Club. In addition to clubs, I was on the Winter Varsity Basketball Cheerleading game team and competition team and ran the Instagram social media account for the Class of 2023. Outside of school, I have danced for ten years and nine of those years have been competitive. I currently dance at Fusion Dance Center and am also on the Senior Dance Competition team there. I am an alumna and a dedicated volunteer at Agri-Business Child Development.

My hobbies and interests include baking, babysitting, gardening, reading, yoga, traveling, community service, and learning about new cultures and languages  

After graduating high school, I plan on attending a University on the pre-med track in hopes of becoming a pediatric oncologist. 

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