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Photo: Little Free Library in Oakfield

By Howard B. Owens

While in Oakfield this afternoon, I spotted this Little Free Library on Farnsworth Avenue.

George Richardson

Wow, that would make a really nice squirrel feeder in my backyard and since I read in the number one media outlet in Batavia that it is free, I better grab my saw and scurry before someone else claims it. You will know you are too late if there is a shoe nailed to the tree.

Sep 14, 2015, 7:33pm Permalink
Billie Owens

George, we're not just the No. 1 media outlet in Genesee County that is free, we're No. 1 period. "And it's not even close," as they say at the Muckdogs' games. It's by a country mile and then some. Just sayin'....

Sep 15, 2015, 5:18pm Permalink

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