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Rocky report

By Howard B. Owens

It's been just over a week since Rocky joined our family and during the week I've been asked several times how he's doing.

He's doing great. He's fit in well.

He and Pachuco are getting along fine. As for the cats, they've gotten used to him. If they challenge him, he backs down. If they run, he gives chase, and a sharp "no" usually ends the chase.

He's a ball of energy at times. He's loving and loves to be a companion. 

When we got him, his only apparent discipline training was "sit." I almost have him doing "down" pretty well now. He's walking on leash 100-percent better, at my side with no tugging.

In other words, he's displayed no apparent behavioral problems.  

One thing I forgot to mention in our post about adopting Rocky is a big thank you to the volunteers with Volunteers for Animals and the staff at the Animal Shelter. They obviously did a great job caring for Rocky and they were so, so helpful during our adoption process, full of information and useful advice.  


Lisa Schwab

WOW! Howard I am not sure who is more blessed you or Rocky, I can't tell you how this happy ending has made me feel. I am so glad Rocky now has a great home and is a member of your family. He deserves to be with someone who will love him and in return he will love you back. You ROCK Howard!!

Sep 20, 2015, 7:28pm Permalink
Irene Will

Glad you mentioned Volunteers for Animals and the annimal shelter. They do a WONDERFUL job there. My family has adopted THREE dogs from there over the years, and we've ALL been blessed with ours. Glad it's all working out for you, Howard and Billie.

Sep 20, 2015, 9:42pm Permalink
Sheila West

I am so happy that Rocky got a happy ending. A lot of furry friends who endure abuse and neglect do not get such an ending. Thank God for people like the owens family. Rocky is truly blessed.......

Sep 24, 2015, 12:58pm Permalink

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