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Centennial Committee plans sundial as legacy gift to city

By Howard B. Owens

The Batavia Centennial Committee and its Legacy Sponsors are ready to present a gift to the city that LeAnna DiRisio, director of Vibrant Batavia, says will stand the test of time -- a sundial.

The sculpture, designed by local architect Ed Smart, would sit in the plaza in front of City Hall. The $15,000 to $20,000 expense is being paid for by the contributions several local businesses made to the Centennial Celebration as "Legacy Sponsors."

There's no expense to the city, but the City Council must approve placement of the sculpture on city property. The council will vote on the proposal at its next business meeting.

Made of steel and teak, with stainless steel lettering, DiRisio said the sculpture will be virtually maintenance free.

"The materials are solid," DiRisio told the council Monday night. "It will last a long time."

The committee hopes to start installation by the end of October and finish the project in early November so it's in place as the city wraps up its year-long celebration of the 100th anniversary of the city's incorporation.

Linda Knox

While the sculpture is an outstanding piece of design, and its placement a potential source of pride to the community, does this mean that the "Mall" attached to this location will also remain as part of our legacy? What happens when the "Tear Down That Mall" citizenry are someday successful? Oops, is there a fly in that ointment?

Sep 29, 2015, 11:11am Permalink
Kyle Couchman

LOL I love the polite way Linda put that.....

I'd say it's all well and good to decorate like this. But if you decorate a turd pile what do you have? Its still a turd pile and still as offensive.

Sep 29, 2015, 12:14pm Permalink
Raymond Richardson

"What happens when the "Tear Down That Mall" citizenry are someday successful? "

Are we reading the same story?

"The sculpture, designed by local architect Ed Smart, would sit in the plaza in front of City Hall."

The fly died!

Sep 29, 2015, 11:23pm Permalink

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