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Jacobs, GOP Chair Langworthy hold press conference on energy policy

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) and New York State Republican Chairman Nick Langworthy called for the President to unleash the American energy industry and reverse his destructive policies that have killed American energy independence and caused prices to skyrocket for American families. 

“Long before Russia invaded Ukraine, President Biden made the conscious decision to destroy our energy independence and drive costs at the pump up for American families. From canceling the Keystone XL pipeline to making new production incredibly punitive, the President’s actions had caused prices at the pump to skyrocket for the past year,” Jacobs said. “The Biden blame game needs to come to an end and the President needs to get out of the way of the American energy industry and allow affordable, domestically-produced energy to flow to the American people and our allies. No issue better underscores the need to take back the House in November.”

“From high gas prices to inflation, Democrat policies are crushing New Yorkers’ wallets. Voters know exactly who is causing them pain at the pump and they are going to hold them accountable this November. If you want a return to common sense that respects taxpayers, we are going to make sure you know the Republican Party is your home,” Langworthy said.

Jacobs and Langworthy held a press conference at a gas station this morning calling for actions that would bring prices down for Americans and allow the restoration of American energy independence. Additionally, they had volunteers on site conducting a voter registration drive. 

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