Press release:
On Feb 3, the Batavia Police Department K-9 Batu and handler Officer Stephen Quider received a donation from St. Joe's 6th-grade class in the amount of $181.
The funds were raised by the class to assist the City's K-9 Program with items such as food and veterinary bills for K-9 Batu.
K-9 Batu and Officer Quider are trained to assist the patrol officers with the tracking of individuals, locating items such as stolen property or items hidden by suspects, as well as handler defense when needed.
"K-9 Batu has quickly become an asset to the community and the support is greatly appreciated." stated Chief Shawn Heubusch, "Our program would not be possible without the support of the amazing members of our community that has stepped up to help out. I want to personally thank all the staff and students at St. Joe's for their kind donation."
If you are interested in donating to the City of Batavia Police K-9 fund please contact the Department at 585-345-6356 or email rpatterson@batavianewyork.com to learn how.