Press release:
Richmond Memorial Library Announces 2023 Public Hearing, Voter Registration and Trustee Election
Richmond Memorial Library Trustee Position
Any qualified voter of the City School District of Batavia and a resident of the City School District for at least 1 year immediately preceding the date of the election (May 4, 2023) can run for the Richmond Memorial Library Board of Trustees seat being vacated by Trustee Gregg McAllister. It is for a 3 year term which starts July 1, 2023. Petitions for the position can be picked up at the Library circulation desk. At least twenty-five (25) signatures are required from qualified voters of the School District. The petition must be turned in at the circulation desk between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm on or before April 4, 2023.Public Hearing April 10
A Public Hearing on the 2023-24 Richmond Memorial Library Budget will be held in the Richmond Memorial Library Gallery Room on Monday, April 10, at 6:30 p.m. Future plans for the Library will be presented along with the 2023-24 budget. There will not be a Budget Vote (only a Trustee Election) this year since an increase is not being requested. The proposed budget will remain the same at $1,381,469. The regular monthly meeting of the library board of trustees for April will take place immediately following the public hearing.RML Voter Registration Day April 11
Any person qualified to vote who is not currently registered under permanent personal registration in the election district in which he or she resides, or who has moved to another residence within that district following the date of such registration, or who has not voted at a general election at least once in the last four successive calendar years, should, in order to be entitled to vote, present himself or herself personally for the registration or otherwise register at the Genesee County Board of Elections. Voter Registration will be held at Richmond Memorial Library on April 11 from 1 to 5 p.m. and from 7 to 9 p.m.Richmond Memorial Library Trustee Election May 4
Richmond Memorial Library’s Annual Trustee Election will be held in the Library’s Gallery Room on Thursday, May 4, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Any registered voter residing in the Batavia City School District is eligible to vote. There will only be a Trustee Election this year (not a Budget Vote), since an increase in the library budget is not being requested.Richmond Memorial Library is located at 19 Ross Street in the City of Batavia. For more about the library, visit batavialibrary.org.
Photo: File photo.