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The latest Flip Ad Contest winner

By Howard B. Owens

We ran a Flip Ad contest these past two days.

The secret code hidden under a Flip Ad was "Vincent Maney."

The winner is Douglas Gaus, of Batavia, who was the ninth person to correctly e-mail the answer to us.

Douglas wins $25.

Sponsored Post: 42 Vernon Avenue is a must see! Call Lynn Bezon at Reliant today!

By Lisa Ace

Super solid and charming home on a great street! This 3 bedroom, 2 full bath home has a lot to offer especially for the family that likes to decorate and entertain! The house has a great floor plan and very spacious room sizes. It features great woodwork throughout, central air and loads of storage! There is a front enclosed sun porch, perfect for nice evenings and a professionally landscaped yard that comes with blueprints! The home has been well taken care of, is nicely decorated and ready to move in! Give us a call today or visit us online.

'Roy Mason' Flip Ad contest winner

By Howard B. Owens

We ran a Flip Ad contest yesterday, but I haven't had time until now to count up the entries and find the 18th correct answer to our secret code.

The code this time was "Roy Mason" (a local artist of some reknown).

The winner was Jeffrey Gillard, of Batavia.

We'll send Jeff a check for $25.

Look for another random Flip Ad contest at some time next week.

Remember to patronize the businesses that sponsor The Batavian.

Six years in and The Batavian is going strong

By Howard B. Owens

Six years ago, there were critics who gave us six months.

I heard it in Batavia and read it from pundits online.

When Billie and I assumed ownership of The Batavian, the site had three sponsors and hadn't yet cracked 2,400 visitors in a day. There were naysayers who thought we were foolish to sell our home in Pittsford and rent a tiny duplex on Maple Street and pretend we could be local online news publishers in Batavia.

That was March 1, 2009.

Today, thanks to the support of our readers, we have more than 140 sponsors and employ three people (including our editor for the Wyoming County Free Press).

Last week, we had 12,000 visitors to The Batavian every day. That's normal now, and on big news days we're well over 15,000 visitors and sometimes as high as 20,000.

In a county with a population of only 57,000 people, we get 120,000 visitors to the site per month, who visit the site 550,000 times per month. (Source for these numbers is our Google Analytics account, which tells us nearly 60 percent of that traffic comes from within Genesee County, with the bulk of the rest coming from the rest of Western New York (likely local residents checking us out while at work.)

Those might seem like staggering numbers, or perhaps not. There are sites online where those traffic numbers would be considered abysmal, so some context is needed.

We get context by comparing our traffic with the local news organization we consider our competitor, the Batavia Daily News.

The chart above comes from a site called Quantcast, which measures the traffic of both and

The top line is The Batavian, which covers only one county, and the bottom line is the Batavia Daily News, which counts as its market area three counties (Genesee, Wyoming and Orleans).

Billie and I are really proud of how people in Genesee County have embraced The Batavian as the go-to local news source. The spikes in the chart above especially illustrated how important we are to local readers when there is breaking news.

Quantcast says in the past 30 days, The Batavian has had 127,000 unique visitors (kind of like counting individual computers that visit the site) compared to 99,000 for the Batavia Daily News. We've had 663,081 visits (counts people visiting multiple times) compared to 422,000 for the Batavia Daily News.

Marketers use a term called Defined Market Area to measure audience for media companies, and Genesee County is divided between Buffalo and Rochester. Our traffic in the Buffalo DMA was 64,566 people and for Rochester, 23,785. For the Batavia Daily News, the numbers are 37,694 and 18,702.

While it's gratifying to compare ourselves to our competition and see we're on top, that's not the real point here. As I go around town, I get asked all the time, "How's The Batavian doing?" This is how we're doing.

More than our raw traffic numbers, those comparisons speak volumes about how The Batavian has been accepted and embraced by Genesee County residents.

It also puts our success in context on a larger stage. There are, at best, only a handful of online-only news sites in the United States that have achieved our level of success in readership and local business support. I don't even know of a newspaper in a comparable market that matches The Batavian's online success with its Web site.

Publications that cover media are full of pundits who pontificate on the failure of local news media and are self-assured that the Internet destroys the audience for local news. The numbers for The Batavian demonstrate, I think, how wrong those proclamations are. People do want local news, and if they get it in a style and format they like, they will flock to it.

Billie and I are grateful for your support. We're transplants from Southern California who have come to love Western New York and enjoy our life in Batavia. We're excited about our community's future and prospects for growth and intend to do all we can to be a supporter of an ever more vibrant and successful community.

Of course, we wouldn't be in business without the support of our sponsors, but there again, we need to thank our readers. You all have been most generous in supporting our sponsors. We continually get rave reviews from sponsors who are pleased with the results they get from their ads on The Batavian. Please continue to support the local and regional businesses who so graciously support The Batavian.

On the sponsorship front, we've promoted Lucie Ann Griffis to an expanded sales territory to include Genesee County, so if you have a local business and are ready to experience a great way to market your business, call Lucie at our office, (585) 250-4118.

Sponsored Post: Let's talk about children's dental health this month!

By Lisa Ace

Welcome to one of the harshest Februarys that we have ever had. But instead of talking about the weather, let's talk about Children's Dental Health Month. This month is special for me because I spend two different Fridays either treating kids at the U.B. Dental School or visiting classrooms in Batavia preaching good oral health habits.
Obviously, the most important habit a child can have is brushing well enough or for long enough. That's for all of us. Parents are the best "quality control" people for how well their kids are cleaning. In addition, parents of younger children should be helping them brush. A parent can clean more in 20 seconds than some children can clean in 20 minutes.
What a child (or adult) eats might not be as important as how it is eaten. We talk about constantly coating our teeth with sugary things and how harmful it can be to our teeth. Soda pop, sports drinks, fruit juice (especially in baby bottles), coffee with sugar can be the most harmful. "Nursing" these drinks or sipping them for long periods of time is when it hurts the most. I tell my patients that if they have to have a drink like those to "drink it right down" and be done with it. If one has to sip something, make it water--hot or cold. Water is so good for us anyway. Lollipops or any candy that stays in our mouth for long will cause cavities as well. Eat it and be done with it. Fruits and veggies are the most healthy snack substitutes.
Of course, the best "quality control" person for your child or for anyone is your dentist or hygienist. If your child has teeth then they should probably see a dentist. We urge parents of young children to bring their young kids with them at cleaning appointments if not just to get used to coming in but also for a quick usually cost free check up. Your dentist might feel the same.
So, kids (and adults!) eat carefully, clean well, and visit your dentist enough. Now, enjoy what's left of our Winter for Spring will come, eventually! Dr. Russell Marchese Jr. -- 585-343-2711. Like us on Facebook for more information.

Sponsored Post: Pembroke Soccer Club sign-up deadline is Feb. 15th!

By Lisa Ace

Looking for an opportunity for your son or daughter to play travel soccer locally? Pembroke Soccer Club is accepting registrations for girls and boys, ages 10-19. You can register online!! Click here to sign up now, teams are filling up quick!
Come play in a high energy, competitive league with quality coaches. Your son or daughter will have fun and develop the fundamental skills that will push them to the next level. Registration deadline is February 15th!!! Visit us online:
or e-mail:

Today's Flip Ad contest winner

By Howard B. Owens

The secret code today was Edna Gruber, and Jessica Gielow, of Alden, was the 14th person with the correct code who sent in an e-mail.

We'll send $25 to Jessica.

The code was flipped under the Insurance Center ad.

We'll play again next week.

Remember to watch the ads and check out the flip ads for special promotions (which is not the same as the ad used in a contest).

New mobile app: We ask the questions, you win the prizes, get the special offers

By Howard B. Owens

In our neverending quest to help local residents connect more easily with local merchants, we're launching a new mobile app called Reacht.


Click here for the iOS version.

Click here for the Android version.

Reacht is a fun, interactive way for people to share their opinions on a variety of topics, from politics to baseball, world events to music, hot-button controversies to the amusing topics of society. Participants will also receive unique and special offers from local merchants -- and some national merchants -- tailored to their interests.

We promise you won't get bombarded with a string of daily notifications, but the app uses your smartphone's notification service to ask you poll questions and send you offers.

We will use this app in conjunction with our current daily poll, but we'll also fashion special, mobile-only polls.

There will also be prizes you can win for participating.

The app is free.

Our kick-off next week is being sponsored by Southside Deli. Those who download the app and respond to the second poll question of the day on the app will be eligible to win a $5 gift certificate (we'll give away at least 80 of them over the first two weeks) to Southside Deli.

We're working on obtaining other prizes. (Local businesses, want to participate? Contact me or Lisa Ace at (585) 250-4118.)

Authentically Local