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Alexander Fire

Alexander FD Tractor Pull is tomorrow and Saturday -- with live music, gun and basket raffle, BBQ, clam stand, and more

By Billie Owens
Press release:
The Alexander FD Tractor Pull will be this weekend -- Friday July 13th and Saturday, July 14th -- at the Alexander Recreation Hall grounds, Route 98, Alexander. Five classes of pulls begin both nights at 7 o'clock.
Friday begins with a huge Basket Raffle in the Recreation Hall from 2 to 7 p.m. -- along with a gun raffle at 7 p.m. The Ladies Auxiliary is hosting a Chicken Barbeque starting at 5 p.m.
Entertainment by the Alexander Firemen's Band begins at 6 p.m. The beer tent will be open with live music by "Radio Relapse" at 9 p.m - 2 a.m.
Saturday begins with the grounds opening at 5 p.m. Tractor Pull will begin at 7 p.m. The beer tent will be open with live entertainment by a favorite local band "Red Creek" -- 9 p.m. - 2 a.m.
The food tent will be open throughout the event and will include: hamburgers, hotdogs, Italian sausage, beef on weck, chicken fingers, French fries, pizza, nachos and ice cream. Also, the clam stand will be open with clams, sweet corn and salt potatoes.

Alexander Fire Department hosts annual Spring Gun Raffle at Rec Hall on April 21

By Billie Owens

The Alexander Fire Department is hosting its annual Spring Gun Raffle from 5 to 10 p.m. on Saturday, April 21, at their Recreation Hall, 10708 Route 98, Attica.

Tickets are $25 each, which will include chances on 25 guns and four cash prizes.

Eight (8) guns will also be included in floor/door raffles. Food, beer, pop, 50/50, and bell jar tickets available.

Only 975 tickets sold -- ticket admits one person. Tickets can be bought at the Alexander Country Deli or by calling 507-9930.

Photos: Alexander fire awards and officer installation

By Howard B. Owens

The weekend before last, I had the pleasure of attending the Alexander Volunteer Fire Department's annual installation and awards dinner.

The next morning, before I had a chance to post the pictures, I got sidetracked by the blockade and fire situation on Washington Avenue, then I had an afternoon event to attend. By the time I got home that night, it didn't even occur to me that I hadn't posted the pictures yet.

Apologies to the folks in Alexander. Here are the pictures.

For 2018, the Firematic Officers are: Chief Marshall Merle, Deputy Chief Paul Hirsch, 2nd Assistant Jim Burkhardt, 3rd Assistant Dean Hendershot, 4th Assistant Tom Green, Ambulance Captain Todd Fleenor, Ambulance Lieutenant Darlene Merle, Truck Captain Aaron Hirsch, Truck Lieutenant Carl Homer, Training Captain Sean McPhee, Training Lieutenant Ryan Hinz, and Safety Officer Nate Fix.

Administrative Officers: Dean Hendershott, president; Tom Green, VP; Amanda Donnelly, recording secretary; Jennifer Merle, financial secretary; Jackqueline Lowe, treasurer; Bob Spiers, chaplain; and trustees Sean McPhee, Darlene Merle, Deb Green, Amanda Donnelly, Ryan Hinz, Matt Pietrzykowski and Nate Fix.

Ladies Auxiliary Officers: Donna Rhodes, president; Ann Buckenmeyer, VP; Kate Goodman, secretary; Colette Guarino, treasurer; Marge Kelsey, flag bearer; Donna Rhodes, chaplain; and directors Sandy Homer; Marge Kelsey and Linda Higley.

Top photo: Ryan Hinz, Firefighter of the Year.

Jenny McPhee, EMS Provider of the Year.

James Burkhardt, EMS Non-medic of the Year.

John Meier received the President's Award.

Alexander Volunteer Fire Department's Matt Pietrzykowski honored by WNY peers for heroism

By Billie Owens
 Matthew J. Pietrzykowski, left, in his NYSP uniform, and Bruce Mack, president of WNYVFA.
Submitted photo, information, and press release:
The Alexander Fire Department is proud to announce that one of its own, Matthew J. Pietrzykowski, was named the Western New York Volunteer Firemen's Association "Firefighter of the Year Award for Heroism" at the 118th annual convention, hosted by the St. Johnsburg and Frontier fire departments in Niagara County.
The convention was held July 27th - 29th. Matt received his award at 10 a.m., Saturday, July 29th at the Annual Awards Ceremony which took place at  St. John's Lutheran Church.
According to his nomination letter submitted by the Alexander Fire Department, written by President D.R. Henderschott and Fire Chief Marshall Merle:
In the early morning hours of April 30, 2016, the Alexander Fire Department was called to assist Town of Batavia Fire Department as a FAST team while they worked a house fire.
A quick response team from Alexander prompted command to upgrade Alexander to interior attack. While looking for extension on the second floor of the structure, the ceiling collapsed on a firefighter, disorienting him and making him unable to get out of the strucutre by himself.
Matt was in the same area when the ceiling collapsed. Realizing a firefighter was in need, he radioed a "may day" and went to the down firefighter and assisted him into the bucket of the ladder truck and out of the building.
On the night of May 20, 2016, the Alexander Fire Department FAST team was called to assisted the Town of Batavia Fire Department with a working house fire, unknown if occupied.
Alexander was again moved up to interior attack. Matt and his partner began a search for victims on the first floor while other crews battled the fire. Matt was able to recover two young victims who unofrtunately had already perished.
These two scenarios only begin to shine some light on who Firefighter Matthew Pietrzykowski is, with his steadfast commitment to the Alexander Fire Department.
In other coorespondence, Alexander fire officials said "Thank you for your service Matt!"
Matt was accompanied to the awards ceremony at the convention by his parents, Patrick and Barbara Pietrzykowski, of Bethany, along with his fiancee Rachel Marchewka and their 4-month-old son, Logan, and many members of the Alexander Fire Department.
Matt graduated this spring from the NYSP academy and is assigned to Troop B in Essex County. The NYSP assisted the Alexander Fire Department in arranging for Matt to be at the Awards Ceremony to receive this honor.

Alexander, Corfu fire departments 'really glad' to receive grants to help first responders

By Maria Pericozzi

The local fire departments in Alexander and Corfu are excited to receive grants to help the first responders improve their capability to respond to fires and emergencies.

Both fire departments had applied for the same grant last year, but did not receive it, and both fire chiefs said their Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) air packs were becoming outdated. 

The Alexander Fire Department will use $92,994 grant to purchase 15 SCBA air packs and 30 oxygen bottles.

Alexander Chief Marshall Merle said the new packs will be lighter and safer, helping the firefighters.

"We appreciate New York State for letting us receive the grant,” Merle said. “We’re really glad we got it this year. It’s good to help out the community and keep our guys safe.”

Merle said he worked with New York State to apply for the grant again this year.

"They were very helpful throughout this process," Merle said. "I'm happy we are getting the grant."

The Corfu Fire Department will be using the $84,191 grant to purchase 12 SCBA air packs. The packs will provide them with breathable air when responding to an emergency situation.

“We applied for the grant because the air packs that we have, have a life span,” Corfu Fire Chief Brian Schollard said. “They’re all expiring by the end of the year.”

Schollard said everyone at the fire department, himself included, has been positive about the grant.

“It’s a great thing for a small company like us,” Schollard said. “It’s nice to see [AFG] helping out small rural districts. It really is a lifesaver.”

Congressman Chris Collins announced on July 19 that the departments would receive the grants, awarded through the Department of Homeland Security’s Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) Program.

The AFG program provides direct funding assistance to fire departments, State Fire Training Academies and non-affiliated EMS organizations to enhance their response capabilities, according to the press release. The program also more effectively protects the health and safety of both the public and emergency responders with respect to fire and other hazards.

“Firefighters are selfless individuals and are essential to keeping our communities safe,” Collins said in a press release. “It is imperative that our fire departments have the resources necessary to keep their members safe while they are protecting others.”

For previous coverage of this story, click here.

Corfu and Alexander receive Homeland Security grants of $84K and $92K

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Congressman Chris Collins (NY-27) today announced $92,994 in federal funding for the Alexander Fire Department. The grant was awarded through the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) Program, which is designed to help first responders improve their capability to respond to fires and emergencies of all types.

“Firefighters are selfless individuals and are essential to keeping our communities safe,” Congressman Collins said. “It is imperative that our fire departments have the resources necessary to keep their members safe while they are protecting others. I was proud to work with the Alexander Fire Department to secure this crucial $92,994 in AFG funding and thank them for their service.”

The Alexander Fire Department will use this $92,994 federal grant to purchase 15 Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) air packs and 30 oxygen bottles. This will provide the Alexander volunteer firefighters with breathable air when responding to an emergency situation.

"This funding will help keep our firefighters safe and ensure they can properly respond to emergencies in the local community. We are strong supporters of the AFG grant program and will continue to work with Rep. Collins to support this important funding,” said Alexander Fire Chief Marshall Merle.

The AFG Grant Program provides direct funding assistance to fire departments, State Fire Training Academies, and non-affiliated EMS organizations to enhance their response capabilities and to more effectively protect the health and safety of both the public and emergency response personnel with respect to fire and all other hazards.

Press release:

Congressman Chris Collins (NY-27) today announced $84,191 in federal funding for the Corfu Fire Department. The grant was awarded through the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) Program, which is designed to help first responders improve their capability to respond to fires and emergencies of all types.

“Firefighters answer a noble calling to put the lives of others before their own,” Congressman Collins said. “It is imperative that our fire departments have the resources necessary to keep their members safe while they are protecting others. I was proud to work with the Corfu Fire Department to secure this crucial $84,191 in AFG funding and thank them for their service.”

The Corfu Fire Department will use this $84,191 federal grant to purchase 12 Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) air packs. This will provide the Corfu Fire Department with breathable air when responding to an emergency situation.

"This funding will allow us to purchase necessary equipment that we might otherwise not have the resources to replace. The federal AFG program is an important funding source for rural departments like ours. We will continue to work with Congressman Collins regarding issues impacting local fire departments in our region," said Corfu Fire Chief Brian Schollard.

The AFG Grant Program provides direct funding assistance to fire departments, State Fire Training Academies, and non-affiliated EMS organizations to enhance their response capabilities and to more effectively protect the health and safety of both the public and emergency response personnel with respect to fire and all other hazards.

Carnival and tractor pulls in Alexander tonight

By Howard B. Owens

The Alexander Fire Department's annual carnival and tractor pull is back this weekend.

Today, the grounds open at 4 p.m. The kiddie parade is at 4 p.m. and pulls start at 7 p.m.

There will be music in the beer tent, starting at 9 p.m., with Red Creek.

The grounds close at 2 a.m.

The annual carnival dates back to 1938 and more than 22 years ago, the department added tractor pulls.

Top Photo: File photo.

Below, a photo by Nate Fix from the pull last night:

Alexander FD installs new officers, recognizes member accomplishments

By Howard B. Owens

The Alexander Volunteer Fire Department held its annual installation dinner and awards presentation at its rec hall on Saturday night.

Above, Ryan Hinz, ambulance captain, and Matt Pietrzykowski, firefighter. Hinz received the Chief's Award for his efforts on behalf of the ambulance service, and Pietrzykowski was recognized for his heroics at a house fire April 30 when he pulled another firefighter from a room in a house fire who had been hit on the head by a falling beam. The firefighter was not seriously hurt, but at the moment couldn't retreat from the burning building on his own. Pietrykowski was a member of the Alexander Fast Team that day.

Alexander's Firematic Officers for 2017:

  • Marshal Merle, chief
  • Paul Hirsch, deputy chief
  • Jim Burkhardt, 2nd assistant
  • Dean Hendershott, 3rd assistant
  • Tom Green, 4th assistant
  • Ryan Hinz, ambulance captain
  • Darlene Merle, ambulance lieutenant
  • Aaron Hirsch, truck captain
  • Carl Homer, truck lieutenant
  • Lance Scharlau, training captain
  • Sean McPhee, training lieutenant
  • Nate Fix, safety officer

Administrative Officers:

  • Dean Hendershott, president
  • Tom Green, vice president
  • Amanda Donnelly, recording secretary
  • Laura Scharlau, financial secretary
  • Jackie Lowe, treasurer
  • Trustees: Sean McPhee, Tom Lowe, Darlene Merle, Amanda Donnelly, Deb Green, Matt Pietrzykowski, Ryan Hinz.

Ladies Auxiliary: 

  • Donna Rhodes, president
  • Ann Buckenmeyer, vice president
  • Kate Goodman, secretary
  • Colette Guarino, treasurer
  • Marge Kelsey, flag bearer
  • Donna Rhodes, chaplain
  • Directors: Sandy Homer, Marge Kelsey, Linda Higley

Jennifer McPhee and Debbie Green received the Presidential Award of Service from President Dean Hendershott. McPhee and Green often volunteer to babysit the children of firefighters responding to emergencies.

Joseph Schmider and Carl Homer were recognized for their 25 years of service by Dean Hendershott and Laura Scharlau.

At the end of the evening, the department hands out a series of gag awards poking fun at some of the miscues of members during the course of the year. Apparently, at the time of the tractor pull, Paul Hirsch accidently knocked over a utility pole with a vehicle. He received a hat for his "new business," the Hirsch Pole Removal Service.

Alexander Truck and Tractor Pulls July 10-11, 2015

By Lisa Ace

Alexander Truck and Tractor Pulls July 10, 2015

5pm - Chicken BBQ (Rec Hall)
5pm - Vendors, Bounce Houses, Food, Alexander Fireman's band concert
7pm - Tractor Pulls Start
9pm - Country band, The Marshall Dillion Band (
2am - Beer tent closes

Classes: SF, LSS, 2WD, MOD, HSS

Event Date and Time

Photos: Alexander Fire's annual awards and installation dinner

By Howard B. Owens

The Alexander Fire Department held its annual awards and installation dinner Saturday night at the fire hall.

Above from left:

  • Dylan Scharlau, who was honored for completing the most hours training -- 103 hours
  • Ryan Hinz, most calls -- 118 calls
  • Dean Hendershott, Firefighter of the Year
  • Debra Spires, president and EMS captain
  • Chief Lance Scharlau
  • Tom Green, Chief's Award
  • Patricia Merle, President's Award

Spires is holding a flag that was flown in Afghanistan and was presented to the department last night.

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