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American Legion Botts-Fiorito Post #576

Bill Fox named Le Royan of the Year

By Howard B. Owens

(Photo by Howard Owens; Bill Fox walking in yesterday's Labor Day parade in Oakfield.)

Press release:

The Le Roy American Legion, Botts-Fiorito Post #576, is proud to announce this year's selection for "LeRoyan of the Year" -- Mr. Bill Fox, a well-known local contractor, having maintained his business, "Bill Fox & Son, Construction and Remodeling, LLC" in the area for over 25 years.

Bill is married. He and his wife of 34 years, Anne, have three children, sons Bill Jr. "Billy," and his wife, Mady; Andrew, and daughter Marisa. Billy and Mady have two children, Farrah and Easton. 

An integral part of the community, Bill has devoted countless hours in support of local sports programs, participating when and where he could as his kids progressed through soccer, baseball and football.  He has lent his hand in contributing time and effort to school sports projects including such things as a new trophy case, after a  Section V championship.

He has been instrumental in organizing support groups to meet and "Welcome Back” veterans returning from "Honor Flights" from Washington, D.C., at the Rochester Airport. In addition, he has organized Christmas visits at the Veterans Administration Facility in Batavia and has sponsored ice cream socials there as well.

Bill has a strong interest in community awareness projects and leading educational programs involving hunting, hunter safety and animal awareness. He continues to instruct the DEC Hunter Safety program for youth; and has conducted numerous animal education programs for nursery schools and preschool children in the area.

One of Bill's strongest endeavors involves the "Shooters Committee on Political Education" or SCOPE. Bill has served as the Chapter chairperson for Genesee County for two years and was previously the secretary for three years. He continues to serve as the second vice-president of the New York State SCOPE organization.

Bill strongly believes in several essential principles, the Constitution and our God-given rights and his local community. In his own words: "Being an area businessman myself, I firmly believe that we should shop and do business locally. I am all for helping to keep businesses alive in Le Roy."

For these reasons, and many more we feel very pleased to present Mr. Bill Fox as the 2015 “LeRoyan of the Year," the 47th recipient of this prestigious Award.

Tickets for this year’s Award Dinner are available at the American Legion. Cost is $20 per person.

Le Roy student gets hands-on experience in government at Empire Girls State

By Traci Turner

Jamie Englerth, senior at Le Roy High School, learned how to state her case in court and participate in government elections at Empire Girls State last week.

The Empire Girls State is an educational workshop where girls from all over the state are selected to partake in political processes at the county and state levels. The girls are divided into groups to represent 11 counties and each county is assigned to the Nationalist or Federalist Party. They participate in a variety of activities including court cases, political campaigns and debates.

Englerth's favorite activity was assuming the role of district attorney in her county's court cases. She got the opportunity to learn how to build a solid case and prosecute crime. She won all four of her cases.  

During the program, she also learned how to write bills and participate in a caucus. Four girls from each county were nominated to run for governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general and comptroller. All the nominees gave speeches on why they would be the best candidate for the position. Then all the caucuses met and voted. 

"It was an awesome experience and I wish every girl could have because you learn so much and make so many friendships that will last you a lifetime," Englerth said.

More than 300 girls attended the weeklong workshop at the College at Brockport. The program is sponsored by the New York American Legion Auxiliary.

Englerth was chosen by the American Legion Auxiliary Le Roy Botts Fiorito Unit 576. Teachers at Le Roy High School first picked the top three candidates to be interviewed by the auxiliary. Then the auxiliary picked Englerth as its top choice. Only a handful of girls are chosen to participate from Genesee County.

At school, she is a member of the National Honor Society and plays basketball and soccer. Outside of school she volunteers at local triathlons, American Legion dinners and the Open Door Mission.

In the future, Englerth plans to study pre-law and Social Sciences at a four-year college and continue onto law school to fulfill her dream of becoming a district attorney for special victims.

"Women and children voices in court are often lost, especially children, and they need people to advocate for them," Englerth said. "People are always worried about what is going to happen to the person who did the crime, but I want to know what happens to the kids.

"I would be thinking about sentencing the person that hurts them and making sure they get what they deserve but I also would be thinking about what is going to happen to the kids or women after."

Selby Davis named 45th Le Royan of the Year

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The American Legion Botts Fiorito Post 576 announces Selby Davis as the recipient of the Americanism Award. This award is to recognize people who demonstrate the true spirit of Americanism, its ideals, love of flag and country, regardless of race, color or creed. Good citizenship by carrying out these principles, often beyond that expected of him or her, also service to the community, signified by excellence in life of purpose and accomplishment.

Selby is the director and chef of Grace’s Kitchen. The purpose of the Kitchen is to provide a free dinner for the community one night a week, currently on Tuesday. It is a volunteer effort on her part, and is a great commitment to Shelby’s time, keeping her close to home all year long.

Many volunteers continually come forward to help in the kitchen and dining room, on a week-to-week basis. It was not difficult gathering volunteers: they come in great numbers -- a testament to the need that the Kitchen addresses. 

She has one donated freezer and uses her personal freezer for storage of frozen items purchased from Foodlink and those donated by local farmers and others. LCCP's office, located at the parsonage for the First Baptist Church, houses a pantry and one other room for the storage of dry goods for Grace's Kitchen. 

Selby has been the president, vice president and board secretary for LCCP. She also works at the Oatka Festival, the annual auction, and most other fundraising events LCCP holds. She is now a staff member.

Selby has served on the boards of the Ronald McDonald House, Jones Chemicals, and the Children’s Home Association (as president, VP, and secretary). She has served on the Women’s Initiatives Network of the YWCA, on The Fabulous Females Brunch committee for 11 years (one as chairperson), and also on the selection committee for the Fabulous Females Award. This award honors women who have served the community in a way that is true to the ideals of the YWCA.

Selby has also volunteered on the board of deacons and session of the First Presbyterian Church, for Our Lady of Mercy Parish, and currently serves on the vestry of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Le Roy.

Selby has two sons Nicholas, 27, currently attending the Kenan-Flagler School of Business at UNC Chapel Hill, N.C., and Jeffrey, 24, working in Arlington, Va. She was very involved in their upbringing -- attending all school and church events, hockey and basketball practices and games, and golf matches, and taking them on trips to see our wonderful United States of America.

She is the daughter of Frank Davis and the late Nancy Jones Davis. She also has a sister, Hannah Davis ,and three brothers, Ben, Hugh and Andrew.

Selby has a deep connection to Le Roy and a commitment to the needs of people in the community. She has the ability to address these needs with a combination of grace and humor she seeks to serve at every turn of her life and uses her many skills to initiate, organize and implement activities that will best serve her community.

She will be honored Oct. 12, at the American Legion Botts Fiorito Post 576, 53 W. Main St. Le Roy. For information contact The American Legion at 768-2090.

Le Roy Legion hosting event to honor WWII vets

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The American Legion Botts Fiorito Post is hosting a World War II remembrance on April 21st. The reception, open to all World War II Veterans and their families, will be held on Sunday April 21st beginning at 1 p.m. at the Post Home, 53 W. Main St. Le Roy.

Local dignitaries are expected to join with current Legionnaires in recognizing those veterans of World War II who will be in attendance.

The intent of the program is to provide an opportunity for these veterans to join together and renew old acquaintances, share experiences and memories from World War II Era. Transportation will be provided if needed. Contact Post Adjutant Don Vescovi 768-7017.

Pictured: John Graney -- 2nd Vice Commander; Tim Sheflin -- Past Commander; Don Schafer -- Commander; Don Vescovi -- Adjutant; Jerry Diskin -- Vice Commander; and Dave Moore -- of Sons of The Legion.

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