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Four Batavia men team up to rescue fawn from storm drain

By Howard B. Owens

A fawn was rescued and reunited with its mother Saturday night after four local men heard the fawn's plaintive cries in a storm drain and decided to grab their rubber boots and flashlights and try to help it out of the storm drain.

Tyler Hale first became aware of the fawn's plight earlier in the day when he saw a doe hovering near a storm drain grate on Holmes Avenue. After a while, the doe went into the woods and Hale walked over to the grate and he could see the fawn. Hale spent a couple of hours trying to get the fawn out of the storm drain but the little guy just went further into the storm drain.

That night, his friends -- Joe Canzeroni, Kyle Maniace, and Chris Grammatico -- went over to Hale's house for a bonfire. When one of them went behind a shed to get more firewood, he could hear the fawn's cries.

The cries "sounded almost like a baby," Maniace said.

That's when the four men decided they should try again to rescue the fawn.

The four of them each went to different drains and storm drain openings to try and figure out where the animal was.  

Maniace went down into the storm drain and found the fawn about 150 to 200 yards down a pipe. 

"After I got a little further around the bend I could see its eyes flashing at me, pretty much like a deer in the headlights -- just standing there and not knowing what to do," Maniace said.

He grabbed the fawn.

"We heard Kyle say a few streets over -- 'I got him!' " said Canzeroni, who shot the video of Maniace bringing the fawn out of the storm drain.

Kyle used his shirt to wrap the fawn in and keep him warm.

The group then brought the fawn to the fire, warmed up him and dried him off. When the fawn regained its strength to walk on its own, they put him back where the mother had last been seen. About two hours later, mother returned and retrieved her baby.

The Batavian's news partner 13WHAM contributed to this story.

Photos: First 'Paws Park' in Genesee County Park

By Howard B. Owens

Genesee County Park hosted its inaugural Park Paws dog walk event today and only three canines participated, though several more dog owners signed up who didn't show up.

While in the park, we also came across a group of riders on horseback (photos below).

Dog missing from home in East Bethany

By Howard B. Owens

Sam is missing. He is missing from the area of Route 20 and East Road in Bethany.

His family asks, "please return him, no questions asked."

If you see him, call (585) 356-0820 (Debbie) or (585) 356-0824 (Tom).

Possibly injured Rottweiler on Cedar Street

By Howard B. Owens

City police are out with a possibly injured Rottweiler at 2 Cedar St. but don't yet have it in custody.

The officer says the dog appears friendly.

The dog may have a leg injury.

'Barney' missing on Fargo Road

By Howard B. Owens

Somehow Barney, who never goes out of the house, got out of his house on Fargo Road, between Clapsaddle Road and Sweetland Road, in Stafford.

Barney weighs 13 pounds, is an American shorthair and is declawed.  

"He's very friendly and deeply missed," said Adam Reich.

UPDATE 12:39 p.m.: Barney decided it was time to come home. He's safe.

Photo: Possum stuck on a fence

By Howard B. Owens

Phyllis Seager sent in this picture about an hour ago of a possum stuck on a fence in the 300 block of East Main Street, Batavia.

She said she wanted to get the possum down but the folks at the neighboring business wouldn't let her.

UPDATE 9 p.m.: Seager said the possum was still there as of 8 p.m. I drove by at 8:45 p.m. and it was gone. Seager said she doesn't know how it got down. She's hoping once it got dark the possum got brave enough to get down on its own.

UPDATED: 'Otto,' a German shorthair pointer, missing in Corfu

By Howard B. Owens


Otto, a German Shorthair Pointer, doesn't like the cold, but he may be out there somewhere or holed up in a nice cozy home if somebody had taken him in, but his owner, Katie Grant, is devastated that he's missing.

He was last seen in the area of Genesee Street near Ellenwood Road in Corfu.

He has an orange collar.

Katie can be reached at 585 297 0721 or 716 939 0330

She said he will seek out people and try to get inside homes to escape the cold.

"Bring my baby home," she said. "He's never been lost before."

UPDATE March 19: Reader Rick Hensel informs all that the dog is home safe and sound.

Driver picks up hitchhiking German shepherd in Bergen

By Howard B. Owens

A driver spotted a German shepherd wearing a bandana walking along the roadway in Bergen and stopped, opened her car down and the dog jumped in.

The dog seemed friendly at first, the caller told a dispatcher, but now it's growled a couple of times.

The caller is parked at the 7-Eleven in Bergen awaiting the arrival of Animal Control.

UPDATE 2:45 p.m.: As Animal Control was showing up at the 7-Eleven, so did the dog's owner. Owner and dog reunited.

English pointer named Blue missing in Alexander

By Howard B. Owens

Blue is missing. Blue is a 2-year-old English pointer who went missing Friday afternoon around Stannard Road, Alexander. He ran off chasing a deer and hasn't been seen by Ben and Christina since. He was last seen wearing an orange collar with an ID and a red collar with a big bell.

If you can help Blue get home to Ben and Christina call either (716) 572-2591 or (910) 382-0341.

Hunter says woman grabbed his dog from the side of Griswold Road and sped off

By Howard B. Owens

A Le Roy fox hunter says he had to chase a woman he believes stole his hunting dog this morning at speeds that reached 60 mph on Route 33 before a state trooper arrived on scene and initiated a traffic stop. 

The woman, who was in tears, the hunter said, told the trooper, according to Troop A's public information officer, Trooper James O'Callahan, that she thought she had found a lost dog and was taking the animal to State Street Animal Hospital.

The hunter, who asked not to be identified, said he was hunting on Griswold Road with the local property owner when he heard his dog bark. He walked a couple hundred yards down Griswold but the dog was nowhere in sight.

"I thought, there's no way that dog could run that fast," he said.

He went back to his truck and drove back down Griswold. Just then, he saw a sedan pulling away.  

The dog was wearing a GPS collar, he said, so he knew the dog was in the car. Pretty soon, he said, he noticed he was still behind the car, but the GPS signal was behind his location, which meant, he believes, the woman with the dog had removed the collar and thrown it out the car window.

He followed the woman down Route 33 and she was eventually stopped at Seven Springs Road.

The problem for the trooper, in deciding whether to file charges against the woman, O'Callahan said, is that the hunter didn't see the woman remove the collar and she said the dog didn't have a collar.  Though the collar was found at the location near where the dog was picked up, there isn't sufficient proof the woman removed the collar.  Without that, there's no proof of a crime, O'Callahan said.

The owner called The Batavian to clarify that the dog was not taken from a residence.

"I don't want people to think there is somebody going around taking people's dogs from their homes," he said.

(Initial Report)

Death of snowy owl reported at Genesee County Airport

By Howard B. Owens

Area wildlife photographers were shocked and saddened Friday to find a dead snowy owl Friday afternoon atop a utility pole near the Genesee County Airport.

The DEC confirmed today that it was notified of a dead snowy owl that had been banded at that location.

National Grid, after being contacted by the DEC on Friday, assisted in recovering the animal from atop the utility pole (see video below).

Local photographer Jim Burns (who freelances for The Batavian) is a wildlife photographer and a frequent visitor to the airport, which attracts both numerous snowy owls and photographers. He said such deaths as this animal's are not uncommon. The owls fall victim to electrocution (the possible cause in this case), being hit by cars and poisoning. 

Poisoning is perhaps the most preventable cause of death of snowy owls. The owls feast on rodents and if the rodents were poisoned before becoming an owl's meal, the owl is poisoned as well.

"That's the main message to get out there," Burns said. "People should put out traps instead of poison."

Though still rare, the birds have been showing up in WNY in recent years, probably, because their northern hunting grounds are becoming crowded. It's generally the younger birds who migrate south. Burns estimated the deceased owl was no more than 2 years old.

The birds are banded by Operation SNOWstorm, which tracks snowy owls to assist in their preservation.  

The Department of Environmental Conservation asks that if you find a dead banded bird, report it on the website

Photo by Margy Meath.Video by Oded Kalir.

Photo: Bald eagle in Pembroke

By Howard B. Owens

Jason Bell sent us this picture of a bald eagle he spotted in Pembroke yesterday.

Cat abandoned on porch of home in Byron

By Howard B. Owens

A resident in Byron noticed a cat carrier on her porch on Friday. The door was open and when she took a quick look inside, there was no cat.

She left the tan carrier, with a black handle, on the porch not thinking much of it until today when she looked inside and found a male black and white cat.

The unneutered cat is about 9 months old, said Animal Control Officer Agie Jaroszewski.

The cat has apparently been going in and out of the carrier since being abandoned.

Jaroszewski said there was a blanket in the carrier but this morning it was covered with snow.

The cat is now warm and safe at the shelter.

If anybody knows who abandoned the cat, call the Sheriff's Office at (585) 343-5000.

Dog left in car at Kmart

By Howard B. Owens

A dog has been reportedly left in the cold in a Nissan parked outside Kmart in Batavia.

The caller does not believe the car is running.

A deputy is responding.

UPDATE 9:41 a.m.: Caller reports the owner has come out, got into his vehicle and left the area. Deputy's response canceled.

Baby goats missing on Kelsey Road, Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

These four baby fainting goats (myotonic goats) have been missing since yesterday from a residence on Kelsey Road, Batavia, near the church.

If you locate them, call Kim Schildwaster at (585) 813-3935.

UPDATE 1:53 p.m.: The goats are found and are safe.

Cali got away again

By Howard B. Owens

Cali (Caliber) has escaped again and is lost again in the Maltby Road area of Oakfield/Elba. She has a white patch on her chest and green eyes and should be wearing a gray seresto collar. Yesterday, she snuck out and ran into a cornfield and hasn't been seen since. If you see her, call Nicole at (585) 813-8864.

Photo: Dog hanging out in farm field near Thruway

By Howard B. Owens

While law enforcement searched for somebody identified as a possible warrant suspect this afternoon in the area north of the Thruway near Route 98 in Batavia, this dog was hanging out in a farm field in the search area. 

There's no indication the dog was associated with the subject of the search. It was just laying there, a couple hundred yards from Route 98, watching, until it wandered off in an unknown direction.

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