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Former Batavia resident of 23 years to have solo exhibit at Geisel Gallery in Rochester in June

By Billie Owens
Submitted photo of artist and former Batavia resident Jim Thomas and his work titled "Fractured Pathways Unitarian Gardens #7."
Artist Jim Thomas, who lived in Batavia for 23 years until moving away in 2007, will have a solo art exhibit at the Geisel Gallery in Rochester, June 1-30.
An opening reception with the artist will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 9, in Legacy Tower in the Gallery's second-floor rotunda. Geisel Gallery is located at One Bausch + Lomb Place in the City of Rochester.
The exhibit can be viewed during the gallery's regular hours, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays. Closed Sundays.
Jim Thomas's work titled "Hammonassett Study #3"

Batavia Society of Artists 2016 Spring Art Exhibit is May 9-29 at Richmond library, Opening Reception is May 12

By Billie Owens

The Batavia Society of Artists 2016 Spring Art Exhibit will be held at Richmond Memorial Library from May 9 to May 29.

The Opening Reception with artists will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, May 12. At 7 o'clock that night, the society will present the Virginia Carr Mumford Memorial Scholarship to a student from Genesee Community College.

Carr Mumford was a long-standing member of the society and over the years her family has graciously continued the yearly scholarship.

In addition, at the reception there will be award recognitions for the 2016 show and the drawing of a raffle winner of Brian Kemp's demo painting. It is a collaborative abstract painting titled "#17." Raffle tickets will be availble for sale until 7 p.m. They are $5 each or three for $10.

All proceeds will help the society to hold more art demos.

For additional information, contact Terry Weber at 993-0509 or

Richmond Memorial Library is located at 19 Ross St. in the City of Batavia.

Photos: Batavia HS student wins congressional art competition

By Howard B. Owens

Angelina Miconi, a Batavia High School student, was announced this morning as winner of the annual Congressional Art Contest for New York's 27th District, represented by Chris Collins.

Miconi was tops among 85 entrants (more than 30 attended today) from high schools throughout the district.

While each district in the United States has 750,000 residents, Collins said the NY-27th has one of the highest participation rates in the contest. Some districts get as few as 10 entries, he said.

The winning pictures will be displayed in the halls of Congress for the next 12 months and Miconi and a parent will be flown to Washington, D.C., for an art show opening.

The reception today was held at Genesee Community College.

GO ART! Creative Arts Camp during Spring Break is a big hit, more planned

By Steve Ognibene

(Photos by Steve Ognibene.) (Above, 6-year-old Lilian Gary paints a clay mushroom.)

During the school Spring Break, some families go out of town and some stay local to enjoy with friends and family from out of town. Parents are still working during the day and looking for an opportunity for learning something new.

This week GO ART! offered its first Creative Arts Camp in the Seymour Place buildingin Downtown Batavia and hopes many others will follow.

The camp sold out. All this week, 28 students in grades two to six participated in many different activities like: drumming, Colombian dance, steel drums, photography class, drawing and theater.

Director Jennifer Gray said they wanted to give kids a small snippet of a little bit of everything in the creative world and include different tastes of performing arts, music, dance and visual arts as part of it. If parents are not aware coming from an arts background, this camp offers what they might not get in school and pique some future interests for the students.

(Above, Director Jennifer Gray giving a drawing lesson to 11-year-old Hunter Kelsey on a graphic abstract.)

GO ART! also plans to offer one-day drop-in camps during the summer and they are looking to offer a younger camp for toddler, pre-K to second-grade kids, and perhaps one for middle school students.

They want to thank generous sponsors for this event: Applied Business Systems -- ABS, T-Shirts Etc., Art Ah La Carte, Design by the Hour, and Glass Roots.

For more details on this event go to:

Also Facebook page: GO ART!

Above, 10-year-old John Riley participating in a Performance Theater segment taught by Assisant Director Gregory Hallock.

Above, Director Gray teaching painting on model clay to elementary students.

New art booth to be unveiled at Independent Living of the Genesee Region

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The University Heights Arts Association (UHAA), organized in North Buffalo, is a group of artists that serve as a driving creative force and educational resource through the arts to make a positive difference in people’s lives. They have partnered with Independent Living of the Genesee Region (ILGR) to provide a new service for people with disabilities, including free art supplies and workshops!

ARTcovz is part of the ARTboothz program of the University Heights Arts Association, which offers sit-down art projects to passersby at community events.  

On March 2, at 2 p.m. the first ARTcovz booth will be unveiled at Independent Living of the Genesee Region at 113 Main St., Batavia.

ARTcovz self-serve booths consist of a kiosk/dispenser containing pockets, hooks and shelves. It dispenses prepackaged projects, arts, literature, or CD samplers and a bin at the bottom of each booth accepts donations. Each mini-art kit contains materials and a set of directions for completing a project, a link to further UHAA resources including online databases of additional projects and a schedule of upcoming programs. Each ARTcovz booth caters to the demographic it serves. The ILGR Artcovz will offer disability-sensitive projects.    

ARTboothz program served 2,427 people of all ages in 2015 at farmer's markets, festivals, community centers, and special events throughout Western New York.  University Heights Arts Association plans to unveil 10 ARTcovz this year. ARTcovz are designed/fabricated by sculptor/furniture maker Lawrence Kinney, of University Heights Arts Association. 

UHAA members offer donations, devise projects, put kits together at a series of "Potluck Packaging ARTraiser" events. These events are open to the public or anyone wishing to help or contribute supplies. Donations accepted from the community include colored pencils, watercolor pencils, drawing (graphite) pencils, watercolor/drawing paper, craft paper, origami paper, polymer clay, and books on CD. These items can be donated at Independent Living, 113 Main St., Batavia, NY 14020.  

UHAA and ILGR plan to to partner for additional programs including workshops and exhibitions. All art programs will be open to people with disabilities. Please contact Rae Frank at (585) 815-8501, ext. 406, or with any questions.

Congressional art competition open to all high school students

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Congressman Chris Collins today released the following statement announcing this year's Congressional Art Competition and encouraging local high school students in New York's 27th District to participate.

"It is a tremendous experience for members of Congress and the hundreds of thousands of capitol visitors to view the artwork submitted by high school students from around the country as a result of this competition," Collins said. "I always look forward to seeing the artwork submitted by the talented students of NY-27 and the opportunity to welcome our winning artist to Washington."

Last year there were more than 85 submissions. The winning artist will receive a roundtrip flight to Washington, D.C., to see their artwork in the U.S. Capitol, where it will be on display for one year.

Now in its 34th year, the competition is open to all high school students in New York's 27th Congressional District. Submissions are due to either of Congressman Collins's two district offices by April 4. A reception and award ceremony will be held on Saturday, April 9, at Genesee Community College in Batavia. Local high schools have been notified regarding contest rules and submission guidelines.

Interested students should see their art teacher for details or contact Chris Catt from Congressman Collins's office at (585) 519-4002.

GO ART! calls artists to exhibit work in all media for fifth annual Members Exhibition March 2 - April 22

By Billie Owens

The Genesee-Orleans Regional Arts Council announces a call for artists to submit their work in all media for the fifth annual Members Exhibition.

The works selected will be on display for March -- Arts Awareness Month -- and remain in place at the GO ART! Bank of Castile Main Gallery in Downtown Batavia until April 22.

Artwork can be dropped off between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Feb. 24-26. Remember to include the completed exhibition registration form with work that is dropped off. (The gallery is equipped with the Walker Hanging System.)

The opening reception will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. on Friday, March 11. 

For the second year in a row, there will be an Audience Favorite Award designated.

Artwork pickup will be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 26-28.

For general guidelines and additional details, visit the GO ART! Web site, call 343-9313, or e-mail:

Photos: Zentangle class at Batavia Society of Artists meeting

By Howard B. Owens

Karen Crittenden, owner of Karen's Yarn, Paper and Scissors, was the guest instructor tonight at the regular meeting of the Batavia Society of Artists at GO Art!. Crittenden's class tonight was a new art form known as Zentangle. Zentangle is described as an easy to learn method of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns that is fun and relaxing. It was invented by Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts.

'Everything Flows' exhibit at Roz Steiner Gallery opens Oct. 8

By Billie Owens

Nate Hodge's "Everything Flows" exhibit opens Oct. 8 at the Rosalie "Roz" Steiner Art Gallery at Genesee Community College.

It will feature the mixed media work of Nate Hodge, a Brockport native. Two opening receptions are planned on Oct. 8: from 1 p.m. – 2 p.m.; and again later that day from 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. Prior to the first reception, Hodge will be giving a lecture about his work in the Gallery at 12:30 p.m. All events are free and open to the public.

Hodge uses art to explore his observations through their temporality. Delicate forms develop and dissolve amidst the various layers of his work. Applying the same principle, the last moments of each painting set the parameters for the beginning of the next, creating a continuous flow among each exhibited work.

An accomplished, contemporary painter, Hodge is indirectly influenced by everything he has experienced in his 36 years, from food to family. Hodge took an interest in art at a young age and dreamed of a career as an artist.

"With my paintings I try to understand things through their temporality," Hodge writes of his works. "How I paint begins with what I observe happening around me, observations which can come from nearly anything."

His work has recently been displayed at Main Street Arts (Clifton Springs), the SUNY Global Center (New York City) The College at Brockport, The University of Buffalo, and several exhibitions in Buffalo and Rochester.

Hodge is the 2014 recipient of the Elliott Painting Award presented by The University at Buffalo, as well as the 2013 recipient of the Alumni Portfolio Award and the Maurice J. Moss Award presented by The College at Brockport.

"Everything Flows" will be displayed in the gallery through Nov. 25. The exhibit can be viewed during regular gallery hours, which are Monday through Friday 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. For more information on all upcoming events at the Roz Steiner Art Gallery visit or

Picture collection provides historic, artistic and commercial glimpse of Batavia's past

By Howard B. Owens

For most of his life, Gary Harkness has been collecting the curios of Genesee County. A locally produced bottle here, a knickknack there, anything, really that could be tied to his home community.

This collection, of course, includes pictures, lots and lots of pictures, from rare photos to unique posters and advertising broadsides.

GO ART! has helped Harkness curate this collection into a show at its Batavia gallery for the month of September.

There is an open house for the show at 5 p.m., Friday.

Assemblyman Hawley announces availability of grants for historical and art preservation projects

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today announced that applications are now available for municipalities and not-for-profits seeking grant money for historical and art preservation projects through the Technical Assistance Grant Program.

Grants will not exceed $3,000 per project and are only available for short-term, stand-alone ventures that seek to preserve cultural and historical heritage.

“I am excited to announce that applications have been released for this grant program,” Hawley said. “New York is one of the most historically rich states in the nation with structures and stories dating back to our existence as one of the original thirteen colonies.

"As a supporter of history and arts in our schools, I am proud to promote this endeavor and thank the New York State Council on the Arts and Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor for their support. I encourage local historical groups and municipalities to take advantage of this opportunity and continue their tradition of preserving New York’s amazing history.”

The deadline for fall 2015 grant applications is Sept. 8th and interested applicants are required to call the Preservation League of New York State at 518-462-5658, ext. 10, to discuss potential projects. More information on the grant application process can be found at

Photos: Sculpture in Bethany headed to Burning Man

By Howard B. Owens

Donna Rae Sutherland sent in these photos of what she describes as a sculpture built off Transit Road, south of Route 63, Bethany, that will be transported tomorrow to Burning Man in the Black Rock Desert in Nevada.

Burning Man, established in 1986, is a month-long festival of art, radical self-expression, and radical self-reliance.

The location of the sculpture is Emerald Models, which we've written about before.

GCC announces upcoming music, art and theater events

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Genesee Community College Center for the Arts is prepared for another exciting year of events offering a wide range of entertainment including jazz music, graffiti art and dinner theatre. The community is enthusiastically welcome to all events which are listed in chronological order.

The Roz Steiner Art Gallery will host and display "Impromptus," paintings by Jonathon Langfield from Aug. 27 – Sept. 25. Langfield carries on the tradition of American abstraction while infusing an element of graffiti. Utilizing the ideological framework of modernism, his art is executed in a spirit of improvisation. The result is a painterly impromptu. Opening receptions are planned for Thursday, Aug. 27, at 12:30 - 2 p.m. and 5 - 7 p.m.

The Genesee Symphony Orchestra presents a "Fall Festival" performance on Sunday, Sept. 27, at 4 p.m. in the Stuart Steiner Theatre with S. Shade Zajac conducting. Guest soloist Raymond Feng, winner of the GSO Young Artist Competition will perform Greig's Piano Concerto in A Minor, Movement 1. The GSO hosts world-class artists and composers as well as a multitude of well-known local soloists that give audiences a professional-level musical experience. Tickets can be purchased in Batavia at the Senior Center, Roxy's Music and GO ART!, and at the Bank of Castile in Le Roy.

The Kazzrie Jaxen Quartet will take the stage on Friday, Oct. 2, at 7:30 p.m. and bring together the elemental qualities of four creative jazz musicians: the buoyant swing of Bill Chattin's drums; the melodic pulsations of Don Messina's bass; the oceanic depth of Charley Krachy's tenor; and the fiery adventurousness of Kazzrie Jaxen's piano.

Honoring jazz tradition with straight-ahead swing and spontaneous improvisation, the band draws from the collective inspiration from jazz greats such as Lennie Tristano and Sal Mosca, Lester Young, Charlie Parker, Billie Holiday, Bud Powell, Warne Marsh and many others. The quartet plays standard tunes, jazz lines, originals and occasional excursions into the abstract stretching the music in unique and complex directions.

Tickets to the event in the Stuart Steiner Theatre are $8 for adults, $5 for seniors (55+), students (16+) and GCC faculty/staff and $3 for GCC students with ID. GCC alum with ID will receive a $2 discount. Go to for photos and further information.

Mixed media paintings by Nate Hodge will be displayed in the gallery from Oct. 8 – Nov. 25. The "Everything Flows" exhibit can be viewed during regular gallery hours, which are Monday-Friday 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. For more information on all upcoming events at the Roz Steiner Art Gallery visit or

In November, audiences are asked to take a trip back in time to a lively Victorian musical hall for a night of dinner theatre where a distinguished ensemble of actors, the Music Hall Royale, stages its flamboyant rendition of an unfinished Dickens' mystery, "The Mystery of Edwin Drood." The show tells the story of the upstanding young Edwin Drood who mysteriously disappears and is presumably murdered. But who the Dickens did it? In the end, the audience gets to decide! The dinner theatre shows will run Nov. 12-15, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, at 7 p.m. and Sunday Matinee at 2 p.m. All tickets are $30 and will include a pasta buffet dinner. The production will benefit the Mental Health Association in Genesee County and advance reservations are required.

"The Mystery of Edwin Drood" is a musical by Rupert Holmes and the original Broadway production was produced by The New York Shakespeare Festival with Joseph Papp as producer and the arrangement by TAMS-WITTMARK MUSIC LIBRARY, Inc., 560 Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10022.

For ticket reservations for "The Mystery of Edwin Drood," or for further information, contact the Genesee Center for the Arts box office at (585) 345-6814 or via e-mail: Information can also be found online at or

It's never too soon to mark your calendars for not-to-miss events already scheduled for 2016.

•    Jan. 29, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. -- The Rochester Rat Pack invites you to join us in the cocktail lounges of the world as we laugh and dance the night away to Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Keely Smith, Etta James, Jimmy Durante, Bobby Darin, Judy Garland, Jerry Lewis and the gang.

•    Feb. 12, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. -- Etta Mae -- an evening of laughter with the reigning "Queen of Southern Sass" and winner of American Comedy Awards: "Stand-Up Comic of the Year." (

•    Sunday, Feb. 14, 2016 at 4 p.m. -- Genesee Symphony Orchestra Mid-Winter Concert at GCC's Stuart Steiner Theatre.

Bruggman reports first show in NYC a big success

By Howard B. Owens

As we reported earlier, local artist Brandi Bruggman was invited to be featured at a show in New York City. Brandi sent us this picture and I asked her to write something up about her experience:

RAW Artist's event Glimpse at the Highline Ballroom in Manhattan last night was met with a great success! Two live bands were followed by five fashion shows, live special FX makeup artists, and two floors of showcasing artists and photographers.

Brandi Bruggman, a local multimedia artist who was showcasing her fine art recapped the event in saying, "I had so much fun! My artwork was well received by a wide variety of people there. I made new friends, received a lot of responses, and sold some great artwork! It was an incredible first-time showcasing experience!"

Bruggman will continue to create fine artwork and ship it internationally. She currently has a full collection up for viewing for the summer inside West End Bagels in Clifton Park.

Local artist's work featured in New York City art show

By Traci Turner

Brandi Bruggman, a multimedia artist from Batavia, will be showcasing her fine art pieces at one of the largest exhibits in Manhattan tonight.

"Glimpse" is a one-night art show at the Highline Ballroom. The multifaceted art show features work from visual artists, musicians and makeup artists.

RAW, an international arts organization, presents the show and has invited emerging independent artists from all over New York to showcase their work. The organization holds art shows in 60 cities across the United States.

"This is my first big art show in New York City that I have participated in with a whole showcase," Bruggman said. "It's a good social networking event and an opportunity for me to sell my work as well."

 ("Be Love" is one of Brandi Bruggman's paintings showcased at the art show in Manhattan. Her full showcase includes 10 paintings, sample glassware and a book of prints.)

RAW found Bruggman's work on Etsy and recruited her for the show a month ago. Due to the short notice, she has been working diligently to finish her paintings and organize a print book. All of the paintings featured in her showcase are new and made within the last 60 days.

Bruggman has owned her art business for six years. She first started her business producing Bruggies, a line of soft goods, in her college dorm room. Now her main focus is on fine arts. She does a variety of paintings and murals for local businesses but also ships her work all over the country and to England and Canada.

Local quilter featured in art exhibition in Ecuador

By Howard B. Owens

A local quilter is getting some posthumous recognition in a place far from home -- Guayaquil, Ecuador.

The daughter of Toni Fietz, a Bethany native, is the U.S. Consul General posted in Guayaquil. Tricia Fietz arranged for the show as part of a celebration sponsored by the Embassy for U.S.'s 239th birthday.

The show is being held through July 24 at Museum of Modern Art and Anthropology (Museo Antropologico y de Arte Contemporanea) and an opening reception was attended by U.S. Ambassador Adam Namm.

The exhibition features eight large quilts, seven wall-hangings, a quilted tablecloth and a work-in-progress on a quilting frame to illustrate the process.

Toni Fietz, who passed away in July 2012, became an avid quilter after a visit to the Genesee Country Museum in Mumford, where she saw quilting being demonstrated. She was a member of the (Holland Land Office) Museum Quilt Guild and the Log Cabin Quilt Guild.

Another little free library pops up -- on Montclair Avenue, Batavia

By Traci Turner

Connie Boyd and Dave Bateman, her son-in-law, show off a new little free library they setup at 16 Montclair Ave. in Batavia last week.

Bateman built Boyd the box for a holiday gift. One of her favorite TV shows is "Doctor Who" so he customized the box to resemble a tardis, a police box the doctor travels around in. The tardis even comes with a working light on top.

Boyd wanted to have a little free library of her own after seeing a box on Washington Avenue. She loves the concept of sharing her favorite novels with neighbors. The purpose of a little free library is to have people take a book from the box and leave one in return.

"Not everyone is able to get to the library so I wanted to make books accessible to everyone and encourage reading in my community," Boyd said.

There are about 20 adult books in the box. Boyd said her neighbors have already been adding and borrowing from the collection. She plans on adding books for children soon.

BID's Centennial Arts Fest is June 16 in Jackson Square, artists wanted

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Downtown Batavia Business Improvement District (BID) is sponsoring the Centennial Arts Fest, exhibiting artists work from 4 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, June 16, in Jackson Square. This event is in conjunction with the City of Batavia’s Centennial celebration.

Centennial Arts will be an outdoor gallery displaying artists of any age, media and location around Western New York. This is a free event for artists to display three or four pieces of their best work. The public is invited to browse and buy art during the show.

There is still room for artists to display and/or sell their work!  The B.I.D. Promotion Committee will be offering a $100 prize for the “People’s Choice” award for the best all-around artist.

If you are interested in exhibiting in Centennial Arts or have questions please contact Don Burkel at or call (585) 344-0900 for an application.

Wine Tasting and Glass Art Demonstration

By Lisa Ace

Wine tasting and glass art demonstration to be hosted at Glassroots, located at 12 Center Street in downtown Batavia, from 7pm to 9pm on Tuesday, June 9th. This event is free to members of the Batavia Artist Society. Non members will be asked for a $5 entry fee. Teresa Major will be handling the Batavia Artist Society fees.

Event Date and Time

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