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Photos: A winter morning in Genesee County

By Howard B. Owens

I left the house early this morning with the hope that despite the cloud cover, we would have some good light.  Last night, the forecast -- I didn't recheck this morning -- was a break in the clouds at 8 a.m. That never happened, and instead by 9, we had the first flurries of snow.

Still, I managed to find some interesting things to photograph.

Above, a dog (if I remember correctly, her name is Diana), an old truck and a barn on Starr Road in Pavilion.

My first stop was an old, apparently abandoned, graveyard on Covell Road, Pavilion.

Also from the graveyard on Covell Road.

Just as it started to snow pretty good, I arrived at a grave site off Route 63 in Bethany that somebody had recently told me about.

As long as I was on Route 63 in Bethany, I thought I'd get a picture of one of my favorite barns. I liked how the snow was just beginning to outline the shingles.

Photo: Barn on Asbury Road, Le Roy

By Howard B. Owens

Coming back from Victor this afternoon, I took the 5&20 into Genesee County, and then, well after sunset, I hit some back roads in Le Roy. I came across this barn on Asbury Road.

Photo: Winter solstice moon

By Howard B. Owens

Did you see the spectacular, low-hanging moon this evening? I did, and headed out to Griswold Road in Stafford to get a shot of it behind one of my favorite barns.

Photos: Oakta Creek and two barns

By Howard B. Owens

Here are three pictures from the a late afternoon drive through Le Roy/Bethany/Pavilion.

Above, Oakta Creek near Creek Road and Le Roy-Bethany Townline Road. Below, two barns on Le Roy-Bethany Townline Road.

Photos: First snow day in Genesee County

By Howard B. Owens

What may be some sort of willow tree on Pekin Road. UPDATE: It's a mulberry tree. Sharon Ladd (formerly Dean, this was the Dean residence), who grew up on the property called to thank us for the picture. She said it's a beautiful tree year around. It's easily more than 100 years old, she said. She said there have been problems with the town over the years because the snow plow drivers think it is dead, so they're not too careful about hitting it. That's why the one branch is held up by a iron pole.

Barn, Pekin Road.

Drake Street Road.

Photos: Scenes along Lewiston Road

By Howard B. Owens

There is great beauty to be found in Genesee County, but the best shots can't always be captured from public roads. Once in a while, I see a shot I want, but need to get permission to walk across private property. Today, I drove out to a house on Lewiston Road because I knew there was a barn I liked, also I've been interested in getting the best angle on the shot above. For both pictures, the best shot wouldn't come from the roadside. Fortunately, the landowner was home and kind enough to let me wander around on his property.

Photos: The drive back from Holley

By Howard B. Owens

Here are five pictures I took yesterday, after getting back into Genesee County, on my return from the Pembroke game in Holley.

The first two are in the area of Transit Road and Chapel Road, Byron. The barn below is on Towerhill Road, Byron, and the pumpkin house is on Bank Street Road. The final picture is Centennial Park, Batavia.

Photo: 'The Barn'

By Howard B. Owens

If I'm going to take pictures of barns, I need to take a picture of "The Barn" on Route 77 in Pembroke, right?

When I drove by today, the sky and the yellow wildflowers seemed like a good setting.

Photo: Barn on Pearl Street Road, Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

After chasing a story in Corfu that didn't pan out, I took a look at the fabulous late afternoon sky and decided to drive around a bit and see what interesting features of Genesee County I could find to photograph. It was actually on my drive back to Batavia, with the sun setting quickly, that I decided to stop and photograph this barn on Pearl Street Road in the Town of Batavia.

Photos: Barns and railways

By Howard B. Owens

On the way back home from the fire on Roanoke Road, Stafford, yesterday, of course I stopped along the way to take some pictures.

Above is a series of barn and silo structures on Sweetland Road, Stafford.  Below, the back of the barn at Ellicott Street Road and Stafford-Batavia Townline Road, and under that a railroad mile marker along the railroad track next to Lehigh Road, Batavia.

BTW: If you like my photography, you might enjoy the photoblog I set up: Of course, many of the shots will have appeared on The Batavian, but I set up to allow for larger format pictures.

Photo: Partridge Farms barn on Ellicott Street Road

By Howard B. Owens

This is a replacement barn. The original barn on Partridge Farms burned down some time in the 1950s and current owner Pat Partridge said the current structure was built.

Like many barns in Genesee County, the barn needs some repairs, and Partridge said there are some problems with the roof that are way too expensive to fix, but they do try to keep the barn in good shape.

Partridge Farms is located on Ellicott Street Road, Batavia (right across from Johnny's).

The picture below is from another building on the farm.

Photo: Barn at Sanders and Horseshoe Lake Road, Stafford

By Howard B. Owens

The clouds yesterday and today have been fantastic. I've really wanted to get out into the countryside and look for interesting things to photograph, such as barns. Unfortunately, my time has been limited. I did manage to drive down Sanders Road in Stafford today and spotted this barn under a great sky and hiding a bit behind a cornfield.

Sunflower farm adds beauty, but grower wants to sell produce

By Howard B. Owens

Drive from Bergen to Batavia, southwest on Route 33, and just a mile or so from the Route 237 intersection, you will see a big red barn with "Oderkirk" in hand-painted big white letters on one end.

We've all seen it.

And this time of year, we've all noticed the sunflowers saturating the north side of the property, too.

The free sunflowers, it turns out, are just a ploy to get you to stop and buy vegetables from Richard Oderkirk.

The 69-year-old is a fifth generation farmer to operate the Oderkirk spread since 1877. But he's retired now and growing vegetables is both a hobby and a way to supplement his income.

"They're self-seeded," Oderkirk said about the sunflowers. "I try to exterminate a few more of them each year. They provide a lot of shade for my squash plants -- too much shade."

It's the winter squash that Oderkirk really hopes to sell each year -- it will be ready in a few more weeks, and when it is, even the cucumbers and tomatoes will be given away, so more people will stop and buy the squash.

And people do stop. Often with cameras in hand.

"I enjoy seeing people like the sunflowers," Oderkirk said. "I had an art student from GCC here 10 days ago taking pictures, and two girls yesterday. I'm happy seeing that."

The sixth and seventh generation of the Oderkirk family now live on the property. Once a dairy farm of 280 acres, it's now the 2.5-acre residence of Mary Thomas, her husband and daughter.

Asked what she thought of so many people driving by and admiring her property, Thomas said, "I’m surprised to hear somebody say that. I guess I didn’t think of the place like that. I see people stop to take pictures of the sunflowers. That’s nice. I get tickled when Dad gives them away for free."

Knowing that daughter Mary enjoys the sunflowers, Dad planted a small variety  -- the plants closer to the road are HUGE -- on the far side of the barn, and if she squints between barn structures, Mary can see from her kitchen window.

Good naturally, she turned to her dad while we were taking and said, "They aggravate you because they’re not produce, but I love them because they add beauty. Everybody likes them, Dad."

Everybody does, even Richard, even if he doesn't always admit it.

More photos after the jump:


Barn: Old Creek Road

By Howard B. Owens

Today, I came upon this barn -- though I'd seen it before -- on Old Creek Road, Batavia. Today seemed like the right day to take a shot of getting it on film (so to speak).

Photo: Barn on Colby Road

By Howard B. Owens

I first spotted this barn on Colby Road in Darien on a late afternoon last week. The sun was on the wrong side of it (the west) to get a good shot, so I planned on coming back. Did that yesterday.

Photos: Massey-Harris combine comes out of storage

By Howard B. Owens

The Alexander Steam Show will have another classic piece of farm equipment to display this year. The Hegge family, which has farmed on Dodgeson Road since about 1930, is donating a 1950s era combine built by Massey-Harris.

Above, Matt Meyers operates a Massy-Harris tractor owned by his father, Vinnie Meyers, as the combine is turned over for the first time since sometime in the 1970s.

Rob Hegge is making the donation, but his son Lee was on hand Saturday to help the Meyers get the combine out of storage.

I stopped on Dodgeson Road to take a picture of the Hegge barn and the group noticed me out by the road and we talked a bit, so I went over and introduced myself, which is how I came across these two classic, Batavia-built, examples grand old farm equipment.

Lee let me wander around a bit and take a few more pictures.

Photos: Griswold Road barn

By Howard B. Owens

When I got my new camera, one of the first barns I went out and photographed was on Griswold Road in Stafford.  

I was actually never really satisfied with the results, so I've been looking for a chance to try it again. Yesterday, with clouds in the sky and bales of hay on the ground, it seemed like a good time to give it another try. These two pictures are the result.

And after the jump, two other previously photographed subjects.


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