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Batavia HS

Full house, hot day and nuggets of wisdom for BHS Class of 2022

By Joanne Beck

As Batavia High School’s Class of 2022 sat quietly Saturday on VanDetta field dressed in blue and white robes, many family members and friends hurriedly tried to find a seat in the packed stadium before the ceremony began.

It was perfect weather with no rain in sight, though the scorching temperature of 85 and climbing made for some hot metal seats. Marya Cole had found a spot to watch her niece Jaylene Dersham receive her diploma, but soon had to duck under cover for some relief.

“It was so hot up there,” Cole said, finding some shade in the stadium lobby. “I’m very proud of her. She lost her dad when she was young. But she went all the way through, and I’m really proud of her.”

Jaylene, 17, who was a notable Blue Devils Girls Basketball player, was one of 169 graduates to cross the makeshift stage and realize a dream along with her fellow seniors. She had decorated her cap in honor of her father, Jayson Dersham, with the word “Dad” across the top. Cole wasn’t certain what her niece will be doing from here but knows that the new graduate wants to go to college, possibly for nursing or something more secretarial.

That wasn't her proud aunt's concern at the moment.

"She did it; she made it," a smiling Cole said.

Robert Lin, Valedictorian

Although they were saying goodbye to the last days and years of high school, the graduates were reminded of what they accomplished. Class Valedictorian Robert Lin spoke about the hardships of isolation, separation, and the mental and physical turmoil his classmates encountered with a pandemic. "It had a “devastating effect on us,” he said.

Despite the challenges, everyone rallied to come back and finish.

“Throughout these four years at high school, we’ve developed skills, connections, and characteristics to move forward in society,” Lin said. “These events will develop us to be harder, better, faster, and stronger. As today ends, we will all tread our own paths. As we move on, life will have many surprises or events in store for us.”

His nuggets of advice included the phrase “you only live once,” which he encouraged for those willing to take the consequences of trying something new. There’s nothing wrong with taking a shorter path or the long way, he said. Just never give up. Never let yourself down.

“We have to enjoy life to its fullest, and the changes it throws at us will keep us eager, and when they start coming, they don’t stop coming,” he said.

The 100+ average student received the E.G. Richmond Award for having the highest average in all courses of study. He also completed and excelled in 13 college or AP level courses, doing his homework assignments in between helping customers at his family’s restaurant after school.  A role model to his fellow students, he was described as always wanting to be better.

Elizabeth McCarthy, Salutatorian

Less than one point under Lin's average was the 99.9 of Salutatorian Elizabeth McCarthy. Not only was McCarthy a high school graduate, but, due to her diligence in taking 11 AP and/or dual enrollment courses while in school, she also just graduated from Genesee Community College with an associate degree.

The past four years have been “a wild ride,” she said, also pointing to the challenges of COVID.

“I am so proud of how our class was able to overcome this huge challenge. We would not have been able to overcome such adversity without the help and support of our family and friends, as well as the exceptional staff at BHS,” she said. “I would like to remind everyone to be kind. I’m sure we can all think of someone who has brightened our lives in some way. Someone who was there for us with a helping hand -- or maybe simply a smile -- when we needed it most. I encourage all of us to be the light in someone’s day, in case that person needs it.”

At one point during the speeches, Samantha Koons had stepped into the lobby, where a nice small breeze was flowing through to the parking lot. She and her boyfriend Ed McDonald were there for his 18-year-old son Cory, she said.

“We’re a little emotional that his baby is growing up,” she said. “We’re very proud of him, very proud.”

About a dozen chaperones and security staff kept an eye on the premises during commencement. Some spectators asked about water as the blazing sun kept its heavy gaze on participants and the audience. Security guard and BHS 1997 grad Nick Burk attends every graduation, he said, and the events “traditionally are very well attended.”  He also coaches three sports and has become invested in the students' success, he said.

“It’s really exciting and awesome to see students whom I’ve known since they were 14 or 15 … some are going into the military, some are starting their careers,” he said. “It’s great to see that development and growth.”

Photos by Steve Ognibene.  To view more photos and to purchase photos, click here.

Top photo: Batavia High School Principal Paul Kesler addresses the Class of 2022 during commencement Saturday at VanDetta Stadium in Batavia. Speakers included Superintendent Jason Smith, who gave an analogy about filling one's jar first with golf balls -- the big priorities in life -- before worrying about the smaller things, represented by pebbles and sand. He later gave each student an inscribed symbolic blue golf ball to remind them "about prioritizing your goals as you move into this next exciting phase of your lives." Molly George and Laura Tenebruso -- longtime teachers at the city school district -- present a poem made up by several of the seniors' quotes. Photos by Stephen Ognibene.


Mr. Batavia draws students together, raises money for their causes

By Howard B. Owens

Winning Mr. Batavia in 2022 means a lot to Noah Burke. The charity he chose to support is so important to his family, he says, and the event itself was one last hurrah for the Batavia High School senior and the guys he knows so well.

"I've known all these guys pretty much my whole life," Burke said. "We've grown up together and have known each other since even before school started. It's kind of an opportunity for me and my friends to just get together and have one last big thing before we're all headed off to go on with our lives when we graduate."

Burke's win means the Juvenile Arthritis Foundation gets a $1,919 donation, or half the proceeds from the competition.

"I picked the Juvenile Arthritis Foundation because my little sister Liliana was diagnosed with juvenile arthritis when she was 10 years old," Burke said. "She has it in about 20 or something joints now. It's really been a struggle and an obstacle for me and my family to overcome with her growing up because she's been going through a lot. It's just kind of made us grow as a family and it's just great to be able to give back to the foundation for all they've done for us."

Top photo: Mr. Batavia Noah Burke and Mr. Batavia organizer Lisa Robinson.

Photos by Howard Owens

Second place, Matthew Smith, with Laurie Napoleone, of the Michael Napoleone Foundation.

Third place, Nick Grover, and Jaylene Smith-Kilner of Habitat for Humanity.

Photos: BHS Class of 2022's Senior Prom

By Howard B. Owens

Batavia High School's senior prom was attended by 160 students on Saturday evening at Van Detta Stadium.

There were games, a dance floor, food, photos, and a lot of happy students enjoying their big night out.

Austyn Fernandez was named Prom King, and Mackenzie Lavrey was Queen.

Undefeated Pal-Mac drops Batavia 6-1 in sectional final

By Steve Ognibene

The Batavia Blue Devils played last evening against the #1 seed in Class B1 Palmayra Macedeon but came up short 6-1 at the end. 

Batavia jumped to an early 1-0 lead off a solo homerun by Cole Grazioplene in the first inning.  Pal-Mac scored two runs in the same inning and jumped out to a bigger lead after the third.

Batavia had difficulty hitting versus the Red Raiders top pitcher but stood strong effort the entire game.

The photo above is Batavia senior Vincent Grazioplene looking on the final out of his high school career.

Photos by Steve Ognibene

To view or purchase prints, click here.

Come and take a listen under the old willow tree: free concert June 3

By Joanne Beck

What may otherwise seem to be a post-school musical concert, Willow Tree End-of-Year Celebration will have much more meaning for at least some of its participants and attendees, Kylie Tatarka says.

The Batavia High School senior will not only be performing in the event but also absorbing its implications.

“Definitely for me, I can definitely see this being a hard time for me, seeing an end and saying goodbye to a lot of people that I've spent years forging relationships with,” the 18-year-old said during an interview with The Batavian. “But I also think it's going to be something really sweet, and a really nice memory to hold on to that I otherwise wouldn't have.”

The Willow Tree celebration, performed by the school district’s Tri-M Music Honor Society, will feature vocal and instrumental numbers from 4 to 6 p.m. June 3 under the large willow tree in front of BHS, 260 State St., Batavia.

Tatarka has been a member of Tri-M, a nationally founded organization that means Modern Music Masters, for three years. Now as a senior, she is looking forward to continuing music with a performing arts scholarship while also hanging onto those memories from school, she said.

“I just really enjoyed music and I wanted to join something that would bring other people who really enjoy music as well,” she said. “I wanted to be a part of something that would show spirit and our love for music that other regular students who aren't a part of this would show.”

The concert is a culmination of that passion to enjoy and share a variety of musical styles — classical, musical theater, and then-contemporary of the 1960s. A soloist will perform Frank Sinatra’s My Way and ensembles will provide other tunes, aptly including “On the Willows” from Godspell.

TRi-M was founded locally in 1986. Group advisor Melzie Case, a music teacher at the middle school, and District Superintendent Jason Smith were members of the group, with Smith being one of those first-time inductees.

“If memory recalls accurately, I was a member of the inaugural Tri-M Society in the late 1980s,” he said. “I was honored to have been inducted and it was and is a wonderful way to recognize our talented music students at Batavia.”

For Case, it wasn’t just about the music, but about the other elements of becoming an adult.

“For me, it was very helpful in learning a lot of leadership skills and how to run a meeting, because I'm a part of a lot of groups and committees. I'm also on the board for the Genesee Symphony Orchestra,” Case said. “And so just getting those skills of writing an agenda and holding a meeting and voting was very helpful to me now as an adult, professionally.”

The idea for this novel year-end concert came about when a fellow senior suggested it to Tatarka. He wanted something that would “celebrate our end to Tri-M and becoming seniors and graduating this year, since there’s only two of us,” she said.

“We kind of just wanted something that we can show our talents, and also just have a celebration for everyone in the school along with Tri-M,” she said.

“Music has been in my family for years and it's something that has brought my siblings and I together a lot,” she said. “And it's also given me a second family that I can lean on when I can't lean on my actual family.”

The 24-member group will be performing throughout the two-hour period, and there will be an ice cream chill truck and a food truck from Center Street Smokehouse selling items from savory meals to sweet creamy desserts. Although the celebration is free, attendees may want to bring some money to enjoy a meal while listening to live entertainment, Case said. Everyone is encouraged to bring a lawn chair.

Tri-M was nationally founded in 1936 by Alexander Harley and his wife Frances. He was a band director and music department chairman in Illinois, and the group had a focus on music aptitude, academics and leadership skills. There are 2,100 chapters in all 50 states that involve more than 84,000 students.

Another key component is offering community service, which has been a tradition for the BHS chapter, Case said. The group has sprinkled doses of music at nonprofit agencies, businesses and special events, such as Christmas caroling throughout downtown.

Photos:  The willow tree at BHS, top; and, The BHS Tri-M Music Honor Society provides some holiday vocals at the Coffee Hub. Photos submitted by Melzie Case.

Noah Burke wins ninth annual Mr. Batavia competition

By Steve Ognibene

Mr. Batavia returned last evening in-person to Batavia High school for the first time since 2019. 

The event was canceled in 2020 and held virtually last year due to COVID-19.

Lisa Robinson, chairperson and event coordinator, said it raised over $4,170, bringing the nine-year total to $33,000.

Each contestant performed their best in different categories, such as group dance, talent, swim strut, lip-sync, tux walk, and question and answer.

Noah Burke took it away with a first place win after everyone's performances.

"It was one of the best experiences of my life getting out here with the guys," Burke said.  "I have really come out of my shell and had never done anything like this before. My heart just sank when they read my name and it was an amazing feeling.  I chose the Arthritis Foundation, which will get 50 percent of tonight's proceeds, because of my little sister Lilyanna, 15, who has juvenile arthritis. More than 18 of her joints are in pain daily, and I have seen her struggling with pain since she was little, and figured this is the best way I can give back to help other kids that are in the same position that she is in."  

Matt Smith was the runner-up.

"This was one of the craziest experiences of my life," Smith said. "I woke up this morning and threw up. The nerves got to me along with the heat in the tuxes and trying to stay calm and cool due to the heat all day.  Getting to know these guys over the last two months has been an incredible experience and starting on day one none of us had any dancing experience.  For it all to come together in a short amount of time and putting the show on, it's honestly insane.  I want to thank Olivia Halpin and Olivia Hussar for being my coaches. Without them, I honestly could not have placed second here today.  I chose the Michael Napoleone Foundation because Mrs. Napoleone was my teacher through the health academy at BOCES, and I learned about Michael's story, what the family went through and what every family who is fighting cancer right now, so I decided there was no other charity I wanted to represent, and thankful to raise 25 percent towards the foundation to fight cancer."

Nicholas Grover was the first runner-up. 

"It was the best decision I have made in my high school career. I am not a very outgoing person but I really wanted to do something that I really didn't think it was in me, and wanted to prove to myself that I could.  It was so fun, and loved the guys I did this with.  The most important thing was to have fun, and I think anybody who has ever tried this or has been in this event in the past, or tonight, is still a winner even if they did not place.  I chose Habitat for Humanity and Habitat will get 25 percent of tonight's proceeds."

Sponsors and people to thank were Charles Men’s Shop for donating the use of tuxedos, Batavia City School District Foundation for distributing the winnings to charities, Vic and Brenda Marchese from Main St. Pizza Company for helping to award the winner with the top prize, Blink of an Eye Photography for the banners, Steve Ognibene Photography for capturing the photos during the performance, Extreme Streetwear for the T-shirts and Beverly's Florist for the beautiful flowers, organizers said.

Judges were Bonnie Hoag of the BCSD Foundation, Nathan Korzelius Batavia Middle School principal, Krista Shamp John Kennedy School reading teacher, and Stacy Squire Jackson School clerk typist.

Hostesses were seniors Ella Houseknecht, Sophia Fulton, and Olivia Hussar and many student coaches and committee members who helped with this event.

Top photo: Noah Burke receives the Mr. Batavia sash from Ella Houseknecht. Photos by Steve Ognibene.

To view or purchase photos, click here.


BHS Class of 1973 preparing for 50th Reunion

By Press Release

Press release:

The Batavia High School Class of 1973 has announced that it will be holding its 50th class reunion on July 8, 2023, at the Batavia Downs Gaming grandstand on Park Road.

The reunion committee will be mailing “save the date” cards over the next few weeks and is looking for the public’s help in finding addresses for 39 members of the class, which graduated 294 students:

Alexander Senovsky, Anthony Scappa, Anna Murphy Rupert;

Barbara Smith, Becky Byrn Schmid, Byron Rodgers;

Cheryl Poteat, Chuck Curd, Ciro Feniello, Crystal Marshall;

Deborah Lee, Deborah Niedzialek, Debra Hale Laird, Dennis Majors, Dennis Tabor, Diane Hale, Donna Mugford;

Frances Kelly Leighton, James Lee, Jamie Richardson Fritz, Judy Porter, Joseph Ball;

Kathleen Lee, Kim Goodrich;

Margaret Cummings Bailey, Michael Stephens, Pamela Richenberg;

Ralph Mullin, Reyburn Campbell, Robin Munt Morgan, Rosemarie Menzie Welty;

Sandra Gaskill, Santa Majors, Sarah Hutton Weinheimer, Steve King, Susan Kitt Crego;

Timothy Mooney, Tom Galbo, Yvonne Rodgers.

Anyone with information about these people is asked to contact Deb Best at

Six seniors compete for title of Mr. Batavia on Friday

By Press Release

Press release:

Six students from Batavia High School are set to compete for the title of “Mr. Batavia” at the 9th annual competition being held on Friday, May 20, at 7 pm in the Batavia High School Auditorium. 

The students compete in multiple rounds of the event, and all money raised from ticket sales and donations is given to the top three winners’ charities. Since 2013, the annual event has raised $28,822 for local organizations.  

This year’s contestants are: 

  • Jack Bruggman representing Crossroads House
  • Noah Burke representing the Juvenile Arthritis Foundation
  • Nicholas Grover representing Habitat for Humanity
  • Andrew Kasmarek representing Genesee Cancer Assistance
  • Lucas Radley representing the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of WNY
  • Matt Smith representing the Michael Napoleon Foundation

Tickets are $10 each and will be sold to students during school lunch the week of May 16 and at the door for the community. 

BCSD would like to thank the Batavia City School Foundation for their help and support in collecting and distributing funds to the local organizations. Additional thanks to: Charles Men’s Shop, Extreme Streetwear, Beverly's Florist and Gift Shop, Main Street Pizza, Blink of an Eye Photography, Steve Ognibene Photography, and participating charities for their continued support of the community.

Batavia deals Notre Dame first loss of the season in Rotary Tournament final

By Howard B. Owens

The Blue Devils jumped to an early lead; Notre Dame came charging back but could never pull ahead, leading to a 10-9 victory and the 2022 Rotary Tournament trophy at Dwyer Stadium on Saturday night.

The Fighting Irish were down 8-0 after 2 1/2 frames, then scored two runs in the third, five in the fourth (after Batavia tacked on two more in each of their half of the middle innings to reach 10 runs), one in the fifth, and one in the seventh.

Vincent Graziolplene and Mekhi Fortes each picked up two hits for Batavia. Graziolplene also had two RBIs as did Dan Dombrowski.  Cole Grazioplene scored three runs and Fortes scored twice.

Jesse Reinhart tossed 3 2/3 innings, giving up three hits and seven runs (four earned) and striking out five to pick up the win. 

For Notre Dame, Jay Antinore had three hits and scored twice. Vincent DiRisio was 1-4 with two runs scored and two RBIs. Gavin Schrader scored two runs and had a hit.  Ryan Fitzpatrick scored twice.

Fitzpatrick was the starting pitcher for Notre Dame and took the loss, giving up four hits and seven runs (three earned). 

Photos by Pete Welker

Vince Grazioplene was selected tournament MVP.

Nominations sought for BCSD Foundation scholarships

By Press Release

Press release:

Nominations are being accepted for the 2022 BCSD Foundation, Inc. Scholarship.   This scholarship will be awarded to a graduating Senior from Batavia High School.  The nominee has been successful in their educational program and has sought out skills to further their career.  In addition, they exemplify our Batavia school culture and climate of “Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe, Be Connected and Be Ambitious.”

Any local community member may nominate a Batavia HS Senior who meets the above criteria.  Nomination forms are available on the Batavia City School District website, You may complete the Google Form or the pdf document to nominate a deserving Senior.  All nominations need to be received by May 27, 2022.

A copy of the nomination form is attached to this press release.                 

U.S. News ranks BHS among top public high schools

By Press Release

Press release

The Batavia City School District is proud to announce that Batavia High School has earned high national and metro-area rankings on the 2022 Best High Schools list from U.S. News and World Report.

Batavia High School earned a national ranking in the top 40% of U.S.-based public high schools out of nearly 18,000 schools. Batavia High School also ranks in the top 50% of public high schools in New York State and has a 92% average graduation rate (2017-2021). 

“It’s wonderful to see Batavia High School get national recognition for the exceptional education we aim to provide,” said Superintendent Jason Smith. “I’m proud of Mr. Kesler, our faculty, and students for their efforts—keep up the good work!” 

“It’s an honor to be recognized by U.S. News and World Report as one of the nation’s ‘Best High Schools,’” said Principal Paul Kesler. “While we’ll be proud to display this award in our halls at the high school, I hope our faculty and students use it as inspiration to strive for even more.” 

Batavia High School previously received this honor in 2014.

According to U.S. News and World Report, “The 2022 edition of Best High Schools includes a numerical ranking of nearly all public high schools nationwide. There are rankings within each state and within each census-designated metropolitan area that has three or more high schools and the Best STEM Schools ranking and comprehensive Best Charter Schools and Best Magnet Schools rankings. Also published are rankings of high schools within each school district with three or more high schools.”

BHS to honor Musicians of Note on May 13

By Press Release

Press release:

Musicians of Note, an event honoring past Batavia High School graduates who have made an impact in music, will host its 3rd annual ceremony on Friday, May 13, 2022, in the Batavia High School Auditorium at 7:00 pm. 

Honorees will be recognized with a video presentation and performance ensembles to celebrate their achievements. A plaque featuring their accomplishments will be displayed on the new Musicians of Note wall at Batavia High School. 

This year’s five recipients of the 3rd annual Musician of Note Award include: 

Lyle Mark: Class of 1938,  

  • US Navy, WWII, Leader of Mellville, Rhode Island Naval Base Dance Band
  • 27-year career as music director for Elba Central School
  • A 34-year member of Genesee Symphony
  • A more than 50-year member of Batavia Concert Band
  • Private music instructor and mentor to area students and musicians

Beth Ann Lambein Hooker: Class of 1963  

  • Julia E. Crane School of Music, SUNY Potsdam, BS Music Education-Voice Major, graduated 1967
  • Taught Grades K-12 Vocal Music Oak field-Alabama, Baldwinsville & LeRoy, New York 33 Years (1967-2000)
  • Methodist Church Youth & Sanctuary Choir Director (16 Years)
  • Directed/Produced/Appeared in 132 Theatrical Productions over 54 years (1968-2022)

Mark Hoerbelt: Class of 1986

  • Baritone In All-State Chorus (1985)
  • Area All-State Chorus and Orchestra (violin) (1983-1985) 
  • Teacher at Alexander High School/Middle School (2005-present) 
  • Music minister at Resurrection Parish (1999-present)
  • Genesee Chorale conductor (2000-2005) 

Jacqueline Siegel McLean: Class of 2002

  • Choir Director at Newfield Central School District (2006-2010)
  • Choir Director at LeRoy Central School District (2010-present)
  • Golden Apple Award Recipient 2018
  • LeRoy Musical Artistic Director of Stars of Tomorrow, award-winning musical program (2010-present)\
  • Proud music educator of several Conference All-State, Area All-State, and All-County students  (2006-present)

Cindy Baldwin: Retired Music Teacher BCSD 1984-2011

  • Batavia String Teacher (1984-2011)
  • Department Chair (2001-2011)
  • NYSCAME President (2006-07)
  • RPO String Educator Of The Year (2008)
  • Active Performer (1964-present)

Tickets for the May 13 event are on sale in the Main Office at Batavia High School for $10. You may also email Jane Haggett at to reserve your tickets, which will be available at the will-call table the night of the event. 

Photos: BHS students ready Mamma Mia for weekend performances

By Howard B. Owens

The Batavia High School Production Club opens the romantic musical comedy Mamma Mia at 7 p.m. on Friday the school's auditorium.

Tickets purchased online in advance at are $10.   At the door, they are $10 for students and $12 for adults.

Additional performances are Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m.

Post-season run for Blue Devils comes to an end in semifinals

By Howard B. Owens

The Batavia Blue Devils' post-season surge came to an end Wednesday night with a 55-46 loss to Palmyra-Macedon.

Batavia (9-14) entered sectionals an underdog as the #8 seed in Class B1 but kept their season alive with wins over Livonia (the #9 seed) and #1 seeded Northstar.

On Wednesday, Javin McFollins, Mikey McKenzie, and Tanner Mountain each scored nine points, and Cam McClinic scored eight.

Photos by Erin Staley.

Blue Devils win first round sectional game over Livonia 62-47

By Howard B. Owens

Batavia started off the post-season with a win, beating Livonia 62-47 at home on Wednesday.

Carter McFollins scored 24 points and Javin McFollins added 17 to help lead the Blue Devils to victory in the Class B1 sectional playoff game.

The Blue Devils -- ranked #8 in the bracket and now 8-13 -- will take on #1 ranked Northstar Christian (15-3) at 4 p.m. Saturday at Northstar.

To view or purchase photos, click here.

Photos by Steve Ognibene

Batavia Boys earn tenth sectional title, Girls finish second place for indoor track

By Press Release

Article by Coach Nick Burk

The Batavia Indoor Track team competed at the A2 Section V championships on Saturday at Houghton College and the boys team came away with a 111 to 107 victory over 2nd place Newark and 13 scoring schools. This Sectional Championship is the 10th title for the Batavia Indoor boys team and the 26th Sectional championship for both the girls and boys Indoor teams.  Combined with our Outdoor Sectional championships, this makes 37 Titles for Batavia Track and Field!

The meet started out very strong with a 4th place finish in the 3200m by junior Nate Canale (10:28.56).  The 55m Hurdles was a big event for the Blue Devils with Junior Fabian Vazquez finishing 2nd (8.19), Junior Ifran Armstrong finishing 4th (8.62), and Senior Jesse Reinhart finishing 5th (8.79).  Next in the 1000m, Junior Cody Harloff crossed the line in 3rd place (2:45.96), and Junior Noah Pickard finished 4th (2:49.78), in the 1600m, Freshman Cooper Konieczny finished 6th (5:15.51), and in the 300m Sophomore Parris Price finished 6th (37.63).

In the Field events, Batavia had a dominant showing, specifically in Pole Vault with Junior Tyler Umlauf winning the event championship (11-0).  Senior Noah Burke finished 2nd (11-0), and Sophomore Owen Halpin finished 6th (9-0).

The throwers once again were well represented in this meet with Senior Austyn Fernandez taking 2nd in the Shot Put (44-2) and 4th in Weight Throw (47-10).  Senior Luke Geiger placed 2nd in the weight throw with a phenomenal toss (56-2). Senior Abel Hammer finished 3rd in the Shot (43-10) and Senior Dan Saeva finished 5th in Shot as well (41-7). Junior Parker Kleinbach finished 6th in the Weight Throw (44-9).  All together our throwers contributed 29 points in just two events towards our total score.

Other field event results included Fabian Vazquez finishing in 2nd in Long Jump with a new personal best jump (21-2), Jesse Reinhart finished in 4th in Triple Jump (40-10) and 4th in High Jump (5-7), and Senior Carter Havens finished 6th in Triple Jump (39-5).

All three relays were able to score demonstrating the depth and balance of our team this season.  The Boys 4x800 Relay of Cody Harloff, Noah Pickard, Dom Grillo (Junior) and Nate Canale finished 4th (9:30.32).  The 4x400 Relay of Carter Havens, Donavin Solis (Sophomore), Ifran Armstrong, and Cole Grazioplene (Sophomore) finished in 3rd place (3:42.87), and the 4x200 Relay of Fabian Vazquez, Aidan Anderson (Junior), Parris Price, and Cole Grazioplene finished in 3rd as well (1:36.46).

The strength of the Batavia program is that we've structured our team to be as competent across all of the events for track and field as possible.  We place great emphasis on developing hurdlers, vaulters, and throwers to compliment our accomplishments on the track.  Once again the depth of our team shined through in this meet and contributed directly to our 10th championship!

Not to be outdone, our Batavia Girls Indoor Track team had an incredible day and fell just 1 point short of their own championship. Canandaigua finished in first with 88 points, while our girls scored 88.  There were 13 total teams that scored for the girls as well.

On the Track Freshman Campbell Riley had an incredible meet winning the Sectional Championship in the 1500m (5:12.72) and placing a very close 2nd in the 1000m (3:10.43).  In the 3000m, freshman Izzy Scott finished in 5th place (11:44.19).  In the 55 Hurdles, Junior Abby Moore finished 4th (10.18).  In the 1000m Freshman Nicole Doeringer placed 4th (3:20.35), and Senior Olivia Halpin placed 6th (3:40.11). In the 1500m, 7th grader Mallory Boyce finished in 6th place (5:49.72).  All of our points besides one that was scored on the track were from girls who are underclassmen and will return next season.

In the Field events, specifically, the girls Shot Put we had arguably our best performance of the day from 8th grader Libby Grazioplene. Libby entered the meet seeded 15th in this event and ended up as the Sectional Champion with a personal best throw that was more than five feet above her previous best (30-5).  This was one of the most clutch performances we've ever had for Batavia Track.  Freshman Zenallah Simmons finished 2nd in Shot (29-6) and 6th in Weight Throw (32-2). Senior Emma Radka finished 4th in Shot Put (28-8),

Other field event results included Senior Gavin Konieczny finishing in 2nd in Pole Vault (8-6) and her sister, Junior Sydney Konieczny finishing in 4th in Triple Jump (31-0) and 6th in Long Jump (14-10). Sophomore Isabella Walsh finished 2nd in the High Jump (4-11).

The girls had a great showing in the relays also, demonstrating our team's depth.  The 4x800 Relay of Izzy Scott, Jadyn Boyce (Sophomore), Makayla Andalora (Senior), and Mallory Boyce finished in 4th (11:16.32).  The 4x400 Relay of Nicole Doeringer, Leigh LeFevre (Freshman), Noelia Ventura (Senior), and Campbell Riley finished in 3rd place (4:31.30), and the 4x200 Relay of Abby Moore, Layla Jones (Freshman), Sydney Konieczny, and Ella Shamp (8th grade), finished in 4th with a season-best performance (1:55.72).

The girls team came into this meet seeded to finish in 4th place by nearly 30 points to Canandaigua!  We ended up in 2nd place by one point and this was a truly amazing performance by our Lady Devils! So many of our girls contributors on this year's team are young and yet they displayed heart and determination like a much more veteran team would.  Our future is very bright with these young athletes.

Batavia track and field is proud to have competed so well in Sectionals and is looking forward to the State Qualifier meet this coming Friday at Houghton College.  Again none of our success would be possible without the dedication from our coaching staff including Dan Geiger, Bre Clark, Rich Boyce, Bill Buckenmeyer, and Amanda Mikiciuk. These coaches helped prep this team for success and were up to the task of continuing the strong traditions of Batavia Indoor Track. full results can be found at:

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Photos by Steve Ognibene



Winterguard teams from throughout WNY competed in Batavia on Saturday

By Howard B. Owens

Teams from 17 high schools from throughout Western New York were at Batavia High School on Saturday for a winterguard circuit competition, including Batavia (top seven photos).

Music instructor Jane Haggett said winterguard is the indoor version of color guard and the teams are judged on the effectiveness of their program, including colors and props selected for the performance, on dance technique, equipment used, and the speed and efficiency of setting up for their performance and removing their set after the performance.

It's great fun for the students to throw and spin prop rifles and sabers during a routine set to music.

The music and the story of the routine are expected to work together for a cohesive performance. 

"The kids that participated are very passionate about the activity," Haggett said. "They love the team effort. They love to dance. They love spinning the equipment. It is definitely a bonding, family-oriented activity. They develop relationships forever with their teammates and with other students in the activity."

It's also fun for Haggett.

"I love seeing the kids be successful," Haggett said. "I love the fact that this activity teaches discipline, perseverance, respect. There are so many other character traits that these kids portray because they have this activity that they spent hours participating in."

Medina (bottom three photos) hosts a circuit competition on March 12. Then there are regional competition is later this year in Philadelphia and Pittsburg followed by the national champion, with Batavia participating, in Dayton.

Batavia tops Greece Arcadia on senior night 49-29

By Howard B. Owens

Jaylene Dersham scored 20 points on Tuesday to help Batavia beat Greece Arcadia 49-29 in girls basketball.

Jaimin Macdonald scored 12 points.

Photos by Steve Ognibnee. To view or purchase photos, click here.

Batavia boys win at Monroe County Championship

By Steve Ognibene

Article by Coach Nick Burk:

The Batavia indoor track team competed on Saturday in the Monroe County Championships at Brockport State College and had a phenomenal meet! The boys' team came away with the championship beating out 21 other schools, scoring 74 points with Rush Henrietta finishing in 2nd place scoring 63 points. The meet came down to the very end with one point separating the two schools with three events left to compete.

Austyn Fernandez earned the Monroe County Championship in the Shot Put with a throw of 43-8 and finished 4th in the Weight Throw (50-0).  The 4x200m Relay of Fabian Vazquez, Aidan Anderson, Parris Price, and Cole Grazioplene also won a Monroe County title and tied our school record with a time of 1:35.61.

Other scorers for the boys' team included Jesse Reinhart finishing in 2nd in the High Jump (6-0) and 6th in the 55H (8.9), Fabian Vazquez finished 2nd in the 55 Hurdles (8.19), and 4th in the Long Jump (19-10), Carter Havens finished 3rd in the Triple Jump (39-11), Ifran Armstrong finished 5th in the 55 Hurdles (8.82), Luke Geiger finished 2nd in the Weight Throw (51-2), and Dan Saeva finished 6th in the Shot Put (39-2).

The 4x800m Relay of Cody Harloff, Noah Pickard, Dom Grillo, and Nate Canale finished in 2nd place (8:44.39), and the 4x400 Relay of Donovan Solis, Carter Havens, Ifran Armstrong, and Cole Grazioplene finished 4th (3:42.99).  To have all three of our Boy's relays finish in the top four is a clear testament to the balance and depth of our program this season.

For our Boys to win the Monroe County Championship as one of the smallest schools, against some very tough competition can be considered with the finest accomplishments for our Batavia Track and Field Program to date.  The Monroe County league has so many gifted athletes and to earn this championship is very impressive for our Blue Devils.  The Batavia coaches, Dan Geiger (Throwers), Rich Boyce (Distance, High Jump), Bill Buckenmeyer (Distance, Hurdles), Breanna Clark (Pole Vault), and Amanda Mikiciuk (Sprints, Jumps) all did a tremendous job preparing our athletes to compete at such a high level.

The girls' team had some excellent individual performances led by Gavin Konieczny's 5th place finish in the Pole Vault (8-6).  Emma Radka finished in 5th place in the Shot Put (28-10), and the 4x800m Relay of Campbell Riley, Makayla Andalora, Jadyn Boyce, and Izzy Scott finished in 4th place (10:50.96)

The Blue Devils have two more prep meets before Sectionals and then will look to have significant success to close out the season at our additional championship meets in February.  Both the boys and girls have continued to improve this season and the team is embracing the opportunities to maintain and build upon the reputation and traditions of Batavia Track and Field.

To view or purchase photos, click here.

Photos by Steve Ognibene

BHS Alpine ski team hitting the slopes

By Press Release

Article by Matt Holman, Ski Coach

Saturday was a picturesque day at Swain. Cold, sunny and partly cloudy. A perfect day for ski racing. The racecourse was all but bulletproof on Wheels Run after a large amount of natural snowfall followed by a few days of cold temperatures.

One Run of Giant Slalom:
Sophomore Lily Wagner had her best finish of her young career. She finished in 13th place in the morning giant slalom race. Lily has been training hard all season and we are finally seeing the results. This is her second top 15 finish this season. Sophia Minuto was 21st, Abby Bestine was 26th and Quinn Woeller was 29th. The Girls finished 6th. Boys competitors Ben Stone was 18th and Ethan Bradley was 24th. 

Two Runs of Slalom:
Lily Wagner finished 18th, Sophia Minuto 22nd, Abby Bestine 23rd, Quinn Woeller 24th.  Ben Stone 20th 

Quinn's second run time was an improvement of a full second and finished 3rd on the team. This team's improvement this year has been phenomenal, The team is looking forward to Monday's training session with a two-run Slalom Race on Wednesday 1/26

Photo submitted by Matt Holman. Lily Wagner, Sophia Minuto, Abby Bestine, and Quinn Woeller

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