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Batavia Police Benevolent Association

Batavia PBA serves up pancakes and equipment for Emergency Response Team

By Joanne Beck

Batavia's Police Benevolent Association President Matt Wojtaszczyk, above, shared some good news with City Council this week. The PBA served up some pancakes for a fundraiser this past summer to generate donations for special technical needs at the police department.

"So over the past year, the PBA members specifically representing emergency response teams have been working on fundraising to assist the department with updating the Emergency Response Team," Police Chief Shawn Heubusch said during the council's conference session at City Hall. "We appreciate them for recognizing the need to do this and stepping up and doing so, and they donated some pretty big items."

Thanks to the generosity of host Grace Baptist Church in Batavia, PBA members, and, apparently, hungry residents, the PBA was able to raise approximately $3,600, Wojtaszczyk said.

“At that event, we just want to say a big thank you to Grace Baptist, who helped us with the fundraiser and using their facility, and they provided staff to assist us as well, as the PBA managed the funds and facilitated the fundraiser,” Wojtaszczyk said.

"And using those funds, we purchased the following equipment. We purchased four cameras and a monitor display for a rescue vehicle, specialty breaching equipment to Red Dot optics, an unmanned aerial vehicle otherwise known as a drone, and upgraded batteries, storage bins and miscellaneous team equipment. And we plan on purchasing a new optic for our sniper team," he said. "So we were able to get quite a few items. Those items, once they're purchased, are donated to the city for city use. We appreciate everyone that supported us.”

Photo of PBA President Matt Wojtaszczyk during a City Council meeting at City Hall, by Howard Owens.

Council approves three-year contract with Police Benevolent Association, hears update on deer committee

By Mike Pettinella

The Batavia City Council on Monday night unanimously approved a three-year contract with the Batavia Police Benevolent Association that gives the union members a 3 percent salary increase each year and makes modest adjustments to their uniform purchase and maintenance allowance.

The vote was 8-0 since Council Member Jeremy Karas was not present.

According to City Manager Martin Moore, the impact of the agreement during the first year would be $72,100 -- $84,000 in wages, retirement and Social Security benefits minus $11,900 in savings from the uniform allowance changes.

The police officers’ allowance would go from $700 per year to $650 per year and the current reimbursable stipend of $300 per year would be eliminated.

The contract runs from April 1, 2020 through March 31, 2023.

“There is a lot of give and take (during collective bargaining negotiations) and in all of that give and take, never once does the City of Batavia take for granted what the police department does for us,” Council Member John Canale said immediately following the board’s vote.

In other developments, Moore reported that he expects the state’s Homes and Community Renewal agency to announce its decision on funding for the Ellicott Station project sometime in April.

Moore also said that the Theatre 56 project in the mall is coming together with “most of, not all, of the interior gutted and waste materials removed, and the MRI machine is gone.”

Regarding the deer population control committee’s work, he said the group wishes to update Council at its March 23 meeting, having completed a third draft of a deer management plan with ongoing assistance from the state Department of Environmental Conservation’s Wildlife Division.

Canale said that he has been impressed with the committee’s work ethic.

“I’ve never served on a committee like this one,” he said. “It is truly unbelievable. They go out in the woods, checking where the deer are. They’ve taken the ball and ran with it. It is something when community members get involved in solving problems that affect them.”

In other action, Council:

-- Approved sending a resolution to Albany seeking amendments to the state’s recently passed criminal justice reforms, which states that “several of the drastic changes in the law pertaining to discovery are overly broad and vague and are having unintended consequences at the municipal level.”

The resolution outlines increased costs of the mandated measures and restrictive deadlines that hamper the work of attorneys and judges.

“This has been a banner year for Albany pushing things down our throat,” Council Member Robert Bialkowski said.

Council President Eugene Jankowski then shared statistics compiled by New York City’s police department showing that of the 1,482 persons charged with crimes and then released (no bail), 846 of them went on to commit new crimes.

-- Approved resolutions transferring $100,000 from the committed fund balanced to the unassigned fund balance following the completion of the City’s Comprehensive Master Plan, and $27,711 in leftover money from the former Vibrant Batavia program from the committed fund balance to the unassigned fund balance.

-- Referred to the City Planning & Development Committee for review a request by Eric Biscaro, owner of property at 653 Ellicott St., to change the zoning in that area to permit an auto repair shop.

-- Appointed Caroline Hosek to the Historic Preservation Committee through Dec. 31, 2022, and Council Member Patti Pacino to the Batavia Business Improvement District through March 31, 2022.

-- Signed off on GO ART!’s Picnic in the Park event scheduled for 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, July 4 at Centennial Park.

City Council approves short-term pacts with Department of Public Works, police unions

By Mike Pettinella

City Council unanimously approved short-term contracts with the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Union and the Batavia Police Benevolent Association Monday night -- one- and two-year pacts, respectively, that provide minimal increases in pay.

The collective bargaining agreements with the unions were set to expire on March 31.

City Manager Jason Molino said he was pleased that negotiators of both unions settled for limited year contracts due to the fact that county and city leaders continue to work on a Sales Tax Allocation Agreement to replace the current one that expires in February 2018.

The terms of the contracts are as follows:

-- The AFSCME’s 36 Department of Public Works employees will receive a 1 percent raise effective April 1, 2017, and $500 stipends during the first pay period following City Council’s approval. This payment will not be included as part of each member’s base annual salary.

The total impact on the 2016-17 budget is $22,300, and the one-year term of contract wages, retirement and Social Security adds up to $20,520.

-- The PBA’s 30 officers will not receive a salary increase until April 1, 2018, when a 1.5 percent hike kicks in, with that raises contingent upon the extension, renewal or amendment of the sales tax agreement. They also will receive $500 stipends during the first pay period following City Council approval.

Additionally, effective immediately all PBA members will transfer from a 384-d to a 384-e retirement plan, and the starting salary for a police officer will increase to $48,920.

Police Chief Shawn Heubusch explained that 21 of the PBA officers were under the 384-d plan which gives police and fire department employees a pension of half-pay after 20 years. Under the 384-e plan, those employees would be able to accrue 1/60th of their base salary up to 32 years of full service, when they would “max out.”

At the end of that time, the pension would be about 75 percent of their salary, he said.

The total impact of the PBA contract on the 2016-17 budget is $18,610; a one-time payment estimate for offering 384-e retirement benefits is $106,202 (to be funded from the retirement contribution reserve account), and the two-year term of contract wages, retirement and social security (if the second year is implemented) adds up to $43,650.

In order to fund these changes as they affect the 2016-17 budget, Council approved a transfer of $40,910 from these contingency budget accounts: city facilities, street maintenance, snow removal, street lights, parks, celebrations, storm sewer, street cleaning, garage, pump station, water distribution, sanitary sewer, waste water treatment and police. A major portion ($18,500) will come from the police budget.

In other action, Council:

-- Unanimously passed a resolution establishing a local law to amend the city sign code and related provisions, with a primary focus on electronic digital signs utilized by businesses.

The law, among other things, reduces the amount of time that the message on an electronic digital sign could be changed from once every hour to once every 10 seconds. It also eliminates an annual $25 fee that would have been imposed upon a business owner to operate a digital sign, and "grandfather's" in digital signs that currently are located in zoning districts (such as residential and/or industrial) not authorized to have electronic message boards.

Molino said the law will take effect within a couple weeks, after paperwork is filed with the Department of State and letters -- along with copies of the new code -- are sent to business owners.

-- Approved a couple of summertime events at Austin Park – the Great Tabernacle Campaign/EFF Church Music Festival on Aug. 24-26, and Care-A-Van Ministries picnics on Thursdays from June 1 through Aug. 31.

The Great Tabernacle Campaign/EFF Church Music Festival is a collaboration of about 30 churches and ministries “to unite and bless the community with music, speaking, food and games,” said the Rev. Jason Norton, pastor of EFF Church in Batavia.

Batavia police and high school students will 'Serve Up Some Justice' at fundraiser Feb. 11

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Batavia Police Benevolent Association is teaming up with the Batavia High School Student Government to hold the first ever “Serve Up Some Justice” Volleyball Tournament.

The event will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 11in the Batavia High School Gymnasium, located 260 State St. in the City of Batavia.

The event will bring student, teacher, and police department teams together for a fun-filled evening of competition! There is a suggested $3 donation at the door and the proceeds will be presented to one or more students who wish to pursue careers in law enforcement.

So come on down and see some justice being served!

Batavia Police Benevolent Association sponsoring two families in need during the Christmas season

By Alecia Kaus

Pictured from left: Officers Matt Lutey, Chad Richards and Felicia DeGroot

Press release

Dec. 16, 2013

This holiday season, the Batavia Police Benevolent Association has sponsored two families in need. These families have been affected this year not only financially, but by abuses involving children. The Child Advocacy Center assisted the PBA in connecting with these families in need.

This year, the Batavia PBA purchased items ranging from toys to food to basic necessities, for seven children and their families. We know this will bring many smiles to these children during this holiday season.

The Batavia PBA uses monies which it receives through donations from the community to fund such programs, and wishes to thank all of those who have contributed this year. With the continued support from our community, the Batavia PBA can assist more families throughout the years to come.

Police association's fund-raising efforts under way

By Billie Owens

Here's an updated reminder from the Batavia Police Benevolent Association:

The Batavia Police Benevolent Association is currently conducting a fund-raising event through the U.S. Post Office.

The association recently sent out mailings to the business community in an effort to help raise money, which it uses to support various groups within the Batavia area.

We will be conducting a residential mailing later this winter, which will include a list of all businesses which have supported our efforts. We encourage all to help us continue our efforts in serving the community.

We will not be making any solicitations by phone or in person.

Should anyone have questions regarding this event, please contact one of our members, mail us at:

Batavia P.B.A.

P.O. Box 299

Batavia, NY14021

Or call Det. Kevin Czora at 345-6311.

Police group is soliciting funds to help community groups

By Billie Owens

Here's a news release:

The Batavia Police Benevolent Association is conducting a fund-raising drive this winter. The association will be sending out mailings to help raise money to help support various community groups.

For years, the Batavia PBA has helped fund programs in and around Batavia, such as numerous youth athletics, senior citizen groups and community programs. We encourage everyone to help us continue our efforts in serving the community.

We will not be making any solicitations by phone or in person. Should anyone have questions regarding this effort, please contact one of our members, or mail us at: Batavia P.B.A., P.O. Box 299, Batavia, New York, 14021.

With many thanks, and a safe and happy holiday season,

Batavia Police Benevolent Association

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