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Batavia Sports Park

Frisbee Football regional championship played in Batavia this weekend

By Howard B. Owens
ultimate frisbee football

Somewhat unexpectedly, Batavia Sports Park, operated by Batavia Turf in the town of Batavia, is hosting the Metro East Regional Championships for Ultimate Frisbee Football.

The tournament, which features teams from colleges and universities from throughout the region, was originally slated for fields in New Jersey, but the owner of that facility decided at pretty much the last minute they really didn't have enough space to host the event.

Jack Richards, president of the RIT team and tournament director, was able to move the event to Batavia.

Ultimate Frisbee Football is a 7-on-7 competition that involves flinging a frisbee downfield in an attempt to score a goal.  Players cannot run with the Frisbee.  When a player catches the disk, the player must stop running and find a teammate to toss it to.  The player is being guarded by a defender, and the player's teammates are guarded (defenses, like basketball, can be man-on-man or zone).  Defenders can knock down a flung Frisbee, which leads to a change of position at the position in the field where the Frisbee falls.

The top men's team and the top women's team from this weekend's tournament will advance to the national finals.

Ultimate Frisbee Football is now recognized by the International Olympic Committee and will be part of the 2028 Olympics.

Photos by Howard Owens

ultimate frisbee football


ultimate frisbee football
ultimate frisbee football
ultimate frisbee football
ultimate frisbee football
ultimate frisbee football
ultimate frisbee football
ultimate frisbee football

Town planners OK Big Tree Glen, Koolatron, soccer park expansions

By Mike Pettinella

Expansion and improvement projects at the Big Tree Glen apartment complex on West Main Street Road, Koolatron on Commerce Drive and Batavia Sports Park on Bank Street Road received "green lights" to move forward Tuesday night (Oct. 18) from the Town of Batavia Planning Board.

At their meeting at Batavia Town Hall, planners gave their blessing to Conifer Realty LLC after reviewing the Rochester company's site plan for Phase II of the income-based complex at 3727 W. Main Street Road. The site plan approval is contingent upon Conifer meeting all engineering criteria and setting up agreements with the Town of Batavia in line with those already in place from Phase I.

According to Paul Marfione, project director for Conifer, Phase II development will consist of 40 apartments (eight one-bedroom and 32 two-bedroom), which would increase the total number of units to 96.

Occupancy eligibility is based on the median income in Genesee County, Marfione said. Of the 40 new units, 10 would be offered to those at 50 percent of the income level, 15 to those at 60 percent and 15 to those at 90 percent.

"The median income in Genesee is increasing," Marfione said, which enables Conifer to offer 15 apartments to those individuals and/or families with annual earnings closer to the county average ($64,500 for a family of four, for example).

Marfione said Conifer is hoping for New York State approvals within a couple months. An early approval from the state could lead to groundbreaking on the $9 milliion Phase II project in the spring of 2017.

Conifer, in partnership with United Memorial Medical Center, completed Phase I this summer.

Before the meeting, Kathy Jasinski, planning board chairperson, and Conifer executives conducted a tour of the facility (photo above). (Watch for more photos and a story in The Batavian on Wednesday).

Koolatron to construct 25,000-square-foot warehouse

Planners approved a State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) and site plan for Mega Properties, or Koolatron Corp., to construct a 158-by-158-foot warehouse with loading docks and new driveway at its industrial park north of the NYS Thruway.

They had no issues with the Canadian-based firm's plan that includes area variances concerning the building's distance to the property line and lot coverage since they were both close to the town code requirements.

According to Gordon Pringle, Koolatron manager, said the nearly $1 million project will result in the addition of a few more jobs. Currently, the manufacturing and distribution business employs eight people.

Batavia Sports Park to install second driveway

Parents of the growing number of youth soccer players who compete at Batavia Sports Park on Bank Street Road will be overjoyed to learn that CY Properties (Batavia Turf Farms) plans to put in a second driveway before the start of the 2017 summer season.

"This will be a one-way in, one-way out" setup, said Chuck Hoover, sales manager for Batavia Turf Farms and liaison between the firm and the Batavia Soccer Club. "The traffic flow will be much safer, especially for those coming out of the park."

The new driveway will be situated closer to the intersection of West Saile Drive, near the company's maintenance building. As it stands now, cars are required to come in and exit via a narrow stone driveway across the street from New Hope Ministries.

Town planners approved the SEQR and the site plan, with the latter contingent upon engineering and design approvals by the town. They also are requiring CY Properties to obtain documentation from the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) as to the project's impacts on archaeological resources.

Hoover said the town initially partnered with CY Properties in the venture, which currently has 12 soccer fields, by providing funding and other support, but is gradually reducing its involvement.

"That's one of the reasons we're looking to expand (the operation beyond summer soccer)," he said. "We've already hosted lacrosse tournaments and on Nov. 19 we will be hosting a flag football tournament with 20 teams. And we have an opportunity to land a couple of elite soccer tournaments that would have an economic impact of $400,000 to $500,000 over a two-week period."

Hoover said the project also includes adding a few more soccer fields and additional parking. He said the driveways would be blacktopped near the highway.

Photos: Genesee Kickball League

By Steve Ognibene

In its third year Genesee Kickball League has continued a tradition for adults to have some fun on the field after work. Playing at Batavia Sports Park last evening were six teams in the Spring league. 

“We have had as much as 10-12 teams in a session,” said league organizer Matt Smart. "We have two sessions, spring and summer, starting in May and depending on weather and daylight we may get in a fall league.

"Tonight’s teams were the Fireballz vs. Pitches BeCrazy, One Kick Wonders vs. Grass Kkickers, Purple Fother Mickers vs. Kermit Killers. We come up with some relevant names to the sport but it’s all for fun and then we go to our sponsors businesses afterward. 

"There are typically one to two sponsors per team and they are recognized on our team shirts. The summer league starts on July 1st."

For more information to register go to Facebook: Genesee Kickball

Genesee County's signature pink truck delivers with a new look

By Steve Ognibene

Meet Jason Moneau (pictured above) on his first week on the job with Michelle's Catering Company and Bakery. I found him tonight serving to customers at the Batavia Sports Park.

Moneau is the first male employee driver since the business opened in 2010. He is enjoying working with the public and says to stop out at lunch time daily during the week at the bakery to grab a hotdog or hamburg. He's a friendly guy that delivers a smile and fills the tip jar too while making new friends.

Driving a pink truck is one thing, wearing it would be another.

"Well as long as I don't have to wear anything pink I'm good with that," Moneau said.

Photos: Empire Cup draws soccer players from throughout the Northeast

By Howard B. Owens

Players from more than 70 teams and their families are in town this weekend for the Empire Cup College Showcase, a premier soccer event for soccer players 15-18 looking to move to the next level. Coaches from more than 100 colleges attend the tournament at the Batavia Sports Park on Bank Street Road. Players travel from all over the Northeast in order to participate. Clor's Meat Market is the official food vendor. Local businesses report seeing an increase in sales during the event.

Soccer continues tomorrow at the park.

Soccerween tournament at Batavia Sports Park this weekend

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

In the mood to see ghosts, vampires, and zombies this weekend? Then stop by Batavia Sports Park on Bank Street Road for the third annual Soccerween Tournament sponsored by New York Premier Soccer. Games start at 8 a.m. and continue until 4 p.m.

Soccerween brings together soccer players ages 9 to 14 for a weekend of fun competition. Park coordinator Ted Hawley says, “The accent is on the fun in this tournament. It’s a great way to celebrate the end (for some) of the soccer season.”

Teams typically choose a theme and each player dresses accordingly.

“We’ve had teams of Smurfettes, Cat in the Hat, and The Hulk,” Hawley said. “The coaches even get into the spirit and can often be seen wearing costumes.”

Trophies are awarded for Most Creative Costume and Best Dressed Teams/Coaches.

New York Premier Soccer organizes this event for travel- and premier-level teams. Each team is guaranteed at least three 7v7 or 9v9 games in a one-day tournament format.

“Aside from fostering team camaraderie, Soccerween is a great way to celebrate the season in a fun, healthy atmosphere,” said Robin Apholz, event coordinator. “Dozens of teams participate each year in what is becoming one of our most popular tournaments.”

Soccerween is free and open to the public. Food will be available to purchase at the park. For more information contact Ted Hawley at 585.343.3329. For additional information on New York Premier Soccer contact

Photos: Fight against armyworms carried out at Batavia Sports Park

By Howard B. Owens

A worker from CY Farms applies pesticide to the border area of Batavia Sports Park, off Bank Street Road, Batavia. The pesticide is being used as a precaution to protect the fields from armyworms. The actual playing fields were not sprayed, but soccer teams will be kept off the fields for at least 24 hours.

Annual event brings top soccer talent to Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

This weekend, nearly 100 spectators will be in at the Batavia Sports Park to watch an anticipated 800 boys and girls high-school soccer players -- the premier players in the region -- display their skills at the 6th Annual Empire Cup College Showcase.

From a press release:

Similar events are held annually in places like Ohio, Florida, Maryland and Nevada.

"It's not something that we invented obviously, but we've been sending teams all over for college showcases, and about five years ago we thought it was time to have one in Western New York," tournament Director Michael Henderson said.

The timing must have been right. Henderson, a high-school coach himself in Rochester, said the recruiter turnout was beyond what was originally expected.

"It's nice for the coaches, because for them, it's relatively local," said Henderson. "They don't have to travel as far either."

Due in part to the tournament's connection to college coaching circles, it has taken major steps in aiding the recruiters ability to see who they want, and when.

Prior to the start of the weekend, each participating player has the option of filling out an online profile. That, in turn, gives the recruiting coaches an idea of each player's personal feelings about school, including what they want to study and what their soccer ambitions are.

Also, the form allows for players to submit GPA numbers and other pertinent test scores such as the SAT or ACT, giving the coaches an advanced screening as to whether or not certain players have the grades to get in.

"It helps tremendously knowing that going into the tournament," Henderson said. "You may see some great players, but at the end of the day, they may not by able to get into your school. Obviously you are looking for good athletic ability and game understanding, but it has to be a fit with your college."

To go with that, tournament organizers were overly stringent on who was going to be playing. As youth soccer goes, this field ended up being extremely competitive and draws teams from Pennsylvania, Ohio, Vermont, as well as New York and Canada.

Forty-six premier teams will compete, and many were turned away.

"We didn't accept everybody,"  says Henderson. "This is somewhat an elite tournament. It's for the kids that are serious about going on and playing in college."

"We have the interest, we have the need and we have the facility," Henderson said. "I'm pretty sure we'll do this again next year, and hopefully for many years to come."

Town of Batavia agrees to continue supporting Batavia Sports Park

By Brittany Baker

Batavia Sports Park has the OK to continue being a place to play soccer, lacrosse and rugby games, tournaments and much more -- with the full support of the town.

The Town Board board agreed Wednesday to spend about $60,000 on the Batavia Sports Park for an additional two years. The developers of the park plan to update the driveway, parking lot and add three more regulation-size soccer fields for community use.

Board members were glad to continue supporting the effort that they say has only benefited the town -- noting it's a good example of how cooperation between the public and private sectors can be for the good of all.

Supervisor Greg Post said a report a few years ago proved the need for more sports fields, so the Town of Batavia came up with a plan.

“Rather than spend public funds purchasing land and developing a facility, it was the town's thought to enlist those members of the committee that had access to and were willing to partner with us in the creation of the concept of an athletic complex (Batavia Sports Park) on the turf farms on Bank Street,” Post said.

The partnership provided a solution in several ways. The town didn’t have to purchase the property and take it off tax rolls, develop the property and buy turf to turn it into fields, or pay public employees to maintain it.

“We are quite pleased to have collaborated with the private sector and used the turf that’s already growing on the farms for these fields that now promote themselves with soccer tournaments, lacrosse and rugby as well as other community groups being able to use them,” Post said.

The town leaders agreed that funding the improvements and expansion of Batavia Sports Park is well worth the money, based on the savings already seen and the benefit the complex provides to athletes and their families.

Batavia Sports Park has room to grow

By Howard B. Owens

When loyal Batavian Bea McManis visited Hornell for a horseshoe tournament she was impressed with what she found -- a city-sponsored, championship-caliber facility that brought in people from all over the state to stay in local hotels and eat in local restaurants.

In a comment on The Batavian, she also noted Hornell annually closes down Main Street for a basketball tournament.

"In my opinion, Batavia is shortsighted when it comes to utilizing its best asset," Bea wrote. "We are located in a perfect spot to make the city a mecca for recreational events such as Hornell had over the weekend."

Ted Hawley shares the vision.

A couple of years ago he approached Craig Yunker, owner of Batavia Turf, about letting him organize soccer tournaments on the grass he grows.

After ironing out some details with the Town of Batavia, Hawley and Yunker opened the Batavia Sports Park off Bank Street Road.

The Town of Batavia chipped in $41,000 to lease the land from Yunker and provide an entrance and gravel parking lot.

"We already know just on that first tournament, the pay back," said Town of Batavia Board Member John Gerace. "We don't know dollars yet but we'll be looking at some numbers on what the pay back is to the town and Genesee County and the city."

This spring, Hawley attracted two significant soccer events to the new sports park -- an Olympic team camp and an Empire United Soccer Academy event.

But Hawley's vision doesn't stop with soccer -- he sees no reason that the facility can't become a major stopping off point for tournaments, camps and clinics for lacrosse, baseball and softball and any other sport.

He would like to see expanded facilities and more fields.

"In my wildest dreams, this could really be a great product between Rochester and Buffalo," Hawley said.

And Yunker is certainly open to expansion. He pointed to a cornfield and said, "we could put another three soccer fields there and another three in the next field over."

"There's 74 acres here," Yunker added.

Nobody's yet talking about the dollars and cents to make it happen, but the town board visited the facility Wednesday to see what some of the immediate issues are, which include some sort of shelter for players and parents (protection during storms), expanded parking and a second access point to Bank Street Road, so there would be only one way in, and one way out for drivers.

Even as board members Hawley and Yunker expressed pleasure and awe at all of the families making use of the facility on Wednesday, Yunkers noted that the future of the Sports Park isn't a done deal.

"The town hasn’t committed past this year. I haven’t committed past this year," Yunker said. "This is sort of a see-how-it-develops and see-if-the-community-supports-it and see-if-it-makes-sense."

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